Me too, I cube two.I love good ol' Bonesplitter
Would a vehicle fill the same role?I remember cutting this thing like 4 years ago because it felt a little too oppressive, once you got it going. But now I am looking for a cool midrange equipment that can help closing out a game and this one I still like the best among those I am not already running. So, I wanted to ask: What do people think of this card today in lower powered environments?
Sword of Vengeance at least grants the opponent the opportunity to race lifetotals.
The trample and lifelink combo is the real killer of the warhammer. It pushes damage through to the opponent even if they are blocking/trading the attacker, and it massively buffs your life at the same time.
Pushing down your opponents life at the same time it's bolstering yours is a hard combo to beat. (if it doesn't fall onto the other side of the coin where it's just too expensive in that games context so massively flops).
Sword of Vengeance at least grants the opponent the opportunity to race lifetotals.
I've had decent success with the following "slightly beefy" equips:
Would a vehicle fill the same role?
These are kind of equipment if you squint a little. I think these ones play fairly and will end games.
Use R&D's Secret Lair as an emblem in your cubeHeirloom Blade has the practical downside of looking at creature types. I do run quite a few cards that haven't all their creature types written and due to constant type updates I don't want to bother with it. Human, Phyrexian, Dinosaur ... they always do this.
You can look to any format where these are legal to see that this effect is generally undesirable in decks that aren't looking to replay them from the graveyard, get higher spell velocity, or enable delirium and/or delve. In a regular deck it marginally trims your deck size at the cost of making mulligan decisions more difficult and randomly delaying your topdecks by a turn. And sometimes you get hosed by thalias and chalices of the void, which is generally more of a constructed concern than it is in cube, but people didn't randomly put manamorphose into their decks when it was in standard either where those effects didn't exist.
Is a zero mana slowtrip with a tiny bit of extra value something that decks play at face value? Or do you need artifact synergies, or delirium or something specific like that?
if i draft this i wanna deck someone with I
I like this card for the flavor and history (it's a poem quoted in Mirage cards"love+song"). How interesting is it to play, though? Does it always just make a bird then put a counter on the bird + whatever else you can attack with? Or is it actually cast at I or III at some points?
I just this was downgraded to common in Double Masters. I've been cubing it for a while but haven't seen it in action that often, remember it was solid once in asac deck and just a Goblin Assailant once in
aggro. What do people think of it? I wish it could sac artifacts too but still think it's pretty deece?
Interesting. I disagree quite emphatically! I’ve found Goblin Bombardment to be stifling in my cube in the past, and have been much, much happier with Makeshift Munitions and Weaponize the Monsters. However, I have no experience with Dark-Dweller Oracle, and couldn’t tell you whether it works or not.agree with chris, even in low power, sac outlets should be free.