My cube is nowhere close to tribal, but this sounds like it's decent enough off a single activation, and with tokens it's sweet. I don't think I can get away with this card in my cube single it's singleton and it won't be worth drafting around a single copy, but someone here might make use of it.
It really doesn't take multiples or a specific theme to make it good; a 2/1 for

is already an acceptable rate being colorless, and if you just pick your most common tribe in your deck, it can generate plenty of value to justify including. I don't think I've left it in the sideboard once, although I
do have a surprising amount of tribal connections to make. It pairs so nicely with token producers and there's common tribes running through each color; I have a hard time thinking of a lower-powered environ where this
isn't interesting enough to give a spin.
This looks really fun with Delve, sacrifice effects, Emerge etc. How does it compare to
Timely Hordemate? The body is weak enough that you might find yourself trying to find a way to get it killed, so the ideal situation probably is it trades with some x/2. If you go low power enough that the body becomes serviceable it seems like a real card though.
The only thing really holding this back is that it forces players to keep their graveyard in order, which is extremely unpleasant if you're already running things with flashback/delve. If your playgroup is highly-skilled and "old school" I could see this being worth an include, but the fun factor isn't high enough to justify the added frustration of keeping a graveyard ordered for most groups imho