Preliminary thoughts so far:
Flowering of the White Tree in for Starnheim Unleashed
Super sweet anthem that both supports my legendary-matters sub-theme (that has a strong core in white aggressive strategies) and token strategies (to a much lesser effect). Starnheim Unleashed is one of two remaining Fortell cards, and both are leaving this cycle. Sadly, no one will miss it but me.
Reprieve in for Recommission
Easy swap, there's a reason this is the favorite card of the set for so many. I like Recommission more than most, which is something I need to be highly picky about in my list.
Minas Tirith in for Cave of the Frost Dragon
Let's get some white card draw going!! Love to support the legendary-matters theme in the color, too.
Rivendell in for Behold the Multiverse
Castle Vantress was always
OK but the 4 mana scry was prohibitive enough it never made a difference on the turn you used it. Rivendell's built-in safety valve puts this at a comfortable spot for me.
Stern Scolding in for Ancestral Vision
Hitting 70% of creature cards in a format with a counter is not a bad way to spend one mana.
Rapacious Guest in for Desecration Demon
I think my black section has enough love for sacrificing things and artifacts that this may end up an interesting card. The floor on it isn't embarrassing either.
Orcish Bowmasters in for Sheoldred
Again, not much needs to be said about the Bowmasters. This swap is going to be silly, because the reason I'm cutting Sheoldred is because I haven't actually been able to find her yet for a price I like, an issue that will be much worse with the Bowmasters.
Moria Marauder in for Pyrokenesis
Could be neat. Always a fan of double-strikers at 2 mana, and I've got enough equipments and counters running around for this to be a real beater, even if the double-pip mana cost is unpleasant.
Gimli of the Glittering Caves in for Legion Warboss
Double strikers are always worth consideration, especially when they have a built-in way to grow. I love to support my legendary-matters sub-theme so brazenly, and Gimli will also land you a pair of treasure tokens if unblocked, supporting some neat synergies across archetypes.
The Shire in for Survival of the Fittest
The Shire is just fine, but Survival is above the rate for the cube, and is one of the few remaining tutors around. It might come back in, but it's always been "one of the best cards in cube" and I'm happy to give that title to others for a moment.
Delighted Halfling in for Wall of Roots
Wall of Roots was still in here?
Arwen, Weaver of Hope in for Kazandu Mammoth
Arwen seems legitimately good, and Kazandu Mammoth has never been drafted earlier than 13th.
Entish Restoration in for Nightpack Ambusher
I'll take a better Cultivate, sure!
Many Partings in for Mirri's Guile
One of my favorite cards in the set. Food tokens are such a broad and exciting upgrade to a nearly-playable-on-its-own base card
Meriadoc Brandybuck in for Mayor of Avabruck
I think Meriadoc will generate tokens a heck of a lot more frequently than the Mayor, and the tension of blocking or not blocking will make for good gameplay with this guy. As I continue to find novel ways to support tokens in G, things like this make it easier.
The Balrog of Moria in for Falkenrath Aristocrat
One of the better cards in the set, flavor, art, and mechanic-wise. Takes Gandalf down with him if he dies, is not totally unreasonable to hardcast and worthwhile to do so, and for reanimator decks, he does everything you'd want a finisher to do. A delight.
Merry, Esquire of Rohan in for Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden
"Legends-matter!" I shout from a rooftop.
Riders of Rohan in for Ajani Vengeant
Forth Eorlingas! may be the better RW card from this set, but I'm not terribly interested in the Monarch mechanic these days, and Riders of Rohan seems sweet. Ajani's getting a bit old for cube, and his typical turn is a kind of mana disruption I'd rather you have to build your deck around to exploit.
Samwise Gamgee in for Shalai, Voice of Plenty
Samwise is probably below the typical power-level of my cube, but I love any experiment that lowers overall CMC, and it's a neat card that works with several supported strategies, curving nicely into
Chatterfang, Squirrel General or
Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second.
Flame of Anor in for Electrolyze
I just think it's neat!
Relic of Sauron in for Emiel the Blessed
The first in a series of replacing colored cards with colorless, since I'd like to shift the balance slightly. Emiel is too expensive and too uninteresting to my players, and the Relic of Sauron is the best variation of a 4-mana rock we've gotten for my kind of cube.
Horn of Gondor in for Opposition
Opposition is understood and respected by some of the playgroup, but not enough for it to make up for the feelbad the first time you go against it unawares. It's a power-outlier as well, so no harm. The Horn of Gondor is sweet, and may end up being a 3 mana 1/1 too frequently, but that's a floor I can live with for the story equity potential.
Horn of the Mark in for Ashnod's Harvester
Ashnod's Harvester wasn't strong enough in its own draft format (it was fine) but I thought it'd work better for me. It didn't.
Palantir of Orthanc in for Fireblast
Palantir of Orthanc is the kind of punisher card that's win/win enough that it makes for a fun mini-game rather than wasting your mana. Its biggest issue is the number of times people will have to read it to make sense of it in draft prior to playing with it. Fireblast was a bit too much reach for the red decks IMO. They're already the best thing to play.
Great Hall of the Citadel in for Atraxa's Fall
Weakest inclusion of the list, I know I'd be better with
Hero's Plaza anyways but this is a test for if people dig this strategy.
Shire Terrace in for Sword of Light and Shadow
Always need more fair fixing and fewer swords.
Mount Doom in for Lavaclaw Reaches
Now that's a bingo!
My top 3 cards of the set:

Top cards I'm watching:

Overall, a lovely set. Interesting mechanics, cards, and flavor. I've got some quarrels with the art direction, the overly-literal references (see the kill count cards), and a few other things, but for a Lord of the Rings set, it delivers pretty well.
Going to drain my bank account on a few of the box toppers, and will be picking up a dozen or so "art upgrades" from the commander decks as well.