Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

something like stab wound would have been difficult to play were it not so overpowered. as a design such a card presents many interesting questions -- what do i put it on, what does this do to my attacks, how do i jive this with my future draws, can i block their guy, etc. as developed it is one-sided vortex, kind of. i am not sure hornet's nest presents any such choices, but i like it anyway

really though let us all take a moment to consider what a fucking cool card is blasphemous act, then put it all in our cubes

Am I the only person who kind of likes chain reaction anymore?

Holy crap, what a sweet way to increase the artifacts matter theme in red! Such a cool, cool card!

This is a really neat card. I wish it copied triggered abilities as well. If you copy a Helm of Possession activation, do you get to keep both creatures?

Am I the only person who kind of likes chain reaction anymore?
I had never seen that card before. I like it.
Now that it's been a few weeks can we get some test findings?

Chasm skulker has actually been incredibly annoying, I got blown out by a young pyromancer-chasm skulker-many cantrips-goblin bombardment line the other night. I thought wake thrasher was absurd but this is getting there.

Frost Lynx has actually been a nice alternative to man-o'-war when your opponent drops something with a sweet ETB effect. Sure they don't have to recast it/you don't get to counter it, but you probably didn't want them getting another FTK hit or something anyways.

Military Intelligence has been kinda cute but I can completely see not wanting it. It feels a lot more backbreaking when you can have multiple copies (constructed), but it fits in the odd UX tempo deck now and then and does well.

Borderland Marauder, generator servant and Goblin rabblemaster have been as expected, as in good. Stoke the flames has been meh for me when I was sure it'd be great.

Reclamation Sage is a duh, and while I was excited for genesis hydra it hasn't been panning out that well.

Dauntless River Marshal and Sunblade Elf have both been great. Can someone else say if Jorubai Murk Lurker isn't too much of a brick wall? I'm scared of it.

Undrafted/people forget to remember how good they are: Life's Legacy, Quickling, Hushwing Gryff, Jace, the Living Guildpact
Jace is bad and won't ever not be bad. Genesis Hydra seems to be better in a more powerful environment. All the red cards you mentioned have been great for me, including Stoke the Flames. I don't play Borderland Marauder though...Reclamation Sage seems worth playing but I've been hesitant since it comes off as possibly too good with my whole "heroic/aura" theme that I have. The River Marshal and Sunblade Elf Are DEFINITELY going into my new cube I'm building. Murk Lurker is fine in my opinion, but I'm beginning to feel more and more like it shouldn't have been U/B. It feels SUPER B/W. Still haven't tried Life's Legacy but I like it. Hushwing might also be worth a shot, but Quickling seems really poop.

Chris Taylor

Good thought about frost lynx actually. I always wanted it to be {1}{U} for a 2/1 because power level amirite?
Man o War would be insane at that cost
I have no idea. Hookmaster always managed to fall off my radar instantly after coming onto it, since I don't write things down and don't have a smartphone. It was just easy to go "man o war is good so this must be at least kind of good right" and it's fine.
Jace is bad and won't ever not be bad. Quickling seems really poop.
Honestly the Jace is in because my new players are overwhelmed with mind sculptor and AoT is just too punishing on the weenies strategy. I have a pretty large number of graveyard matters / flashback cards so his + isn't THE WORST but I agree that it's just not GREAT. His abilities are just really simple to choose from / resolve while his - is still strong in enough situations that he isn't complete garbage... of course, that's all theory since I haven't actually seen him IN PLAY yet.

And does quickling seem bad? It's such a blowout when it's a counterspell, I think the flying really does a number on the old whitemane lion / deputy of acquittals which was already an effect I was fond of. Quickling will probably keep PlaxManta out of the testing rotation.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
This is why I don't like it- planeswalkers that fog the crap out of your opponent are insane, mechanically, and the types I hate the most.

It's kind of interesting. Usually Control beats Midrange but loses to Aggro, but Jace is kind of built with the opposite in mind.


yeah but it's not that strong. i don't mind the design from a power-level standpoint but it is really annoying to fight, and few people like ticking up AoT so i think just running Mind Sculptor is fine. as for what happens in Cube when you push that control planeswalker a bit more, personally im just grateful for the gamestates that arise from this guy

Gideon is a flex spot for me now.
M15 cards...
Military Intelligence has been solid. Quickling has been okay. Haven't seen Chasm Skulker or Illusory Angel yet.
Genesis Hydra and Nissa have been absolutely insane for me... in Standard. Have yet to show up in a cube session. Anecdote: beat someone with Nissa and Genesis Hydra at M15 prerelease by blowing up my own Scuttling Doom Engine.
Borderland Marauder is fine, Reclamation Sage has already killed more enchantments than times Viridian Shaman was played.
Ajani has been ok.
Goblin Rabblemaster is nuts.

Quickling is better than the ninjas because you can use it out of combat and can use it on blocked creatures. Not an insane card but a solid playable.

Jace TLG is way better than he looks. Don't really think he warrants a spot over the other Jaces (unless you were running Memory Adept I guess) or Tamiyo, sadly.
I like how they printed Hornet Queen in a set with Convoke because that card needed the extra edge.

I believe the reason given during the pro tour's 'color spotlight' things was "we needed a green rare... and I was like "hornet queen" because I have this reputation for suggesting really goofy reprints... and everyone just stared at me. So we printed hornet queen."

Wizards at its best.

I think this was played at some number of points to some extent silklash spider