Sets (MH2) Modern Horizons 2 Previews


as a fan of monored, and with a cube of a high power level, I'm very much here for a 2/1 for 1 that is also, somehow, a mana dork, and also a thief of sanity

Ragavan has a million words and doesn't even legend rule himself
Well, it's a lot more interesting than other red 1-drops. Pretty sure that's way too pushed for my cube, but... maybe it's ok as an anchor for red aggro? It covers the archetype's weaknesses and doesn't push what it's good at, which is what Goblin Guide does, so it might be a more balanced card in the sense that it makes the deck more balanced between early/late game. And I actually like the flavor, it makes sense.

I want to test it, but it might very well get cut based on high power level. Or, more likely, won't get tested because it'll cost $100.
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Thief of Sanity effects are just so tilting in decks-with-plans environments that it's a hard pass for me. Second turn yoinked your Life from the Loam off the top forever, Woopsies! Have fun trying to do the thing you wanted to do without that. Insert any random key deck piece.
I think this card is absolutely busted and I think if I were to put this in my Cube it would make R/x aggro be the best deck. If I open it, I will try it to test my Suspicion Hypothesis, but I think this card is above where I need my 1-drops to be...

...Which is ironic because I didn't think it would be possible for them to print a Jackal Pup variant which was too good. I like that it has dash, though!

This card on the other hand...

I'm a really big fan of the Channeler. I've heard people refer to this as the red Delver of Secrets, which is honestly a pretty adept comparison. Spell-based red decks tend to have at least 4 card types (Instant, Sorcery, Land, Crearture), so this card should be able to come "online" fairly often. I think this is going to be a great piece for Cubes running a Prowess-y deck or a more traditional Spells Matter archetype, although honestly any cube with Red Aggro can make use of this.
I think this card is absolutely busted and I think if I were to put this in my Cube it would make R/x aggro be the best deck. If I open it, I will test it to test my Suspicion Hypothesis, but I think this card is above where I need my 1-drops to be...

...Which is ironic because I didn't think it would be possible for them to print a Jackal Pup variant which was too good. I like that it has dash, though!

This card on the other hand...

I'm a really big fan of the Channeler. I've heard people refer to this as the red Delver of Secrets, which is honestly a pretty adept comparison. Spell-based red decks tend to have at least 4 card types (Instant, Sorcery, Land, Crearture), so this card should be able to come "online" fairly often. I think this is going to be a great piece for Cubes running a Prowess-y deck or a more traditional Spells Matter archetype, although honestly any cube with Red Aggro can make use of this.

Yeah good point. DRC is definitely more my speed. Spoiler season is just like a drug sometimes, and I can get overly excitable
Yeah good point. DRC is definitely more my speed. Spoiler season is just like a drug sometimes, and I can get overly excitable
Oh for sure. Ravagan looks like it will be a really fun card to play in Constructed and some high power environments, but I think that it's not a great choice if you support a real aggro deck that isn't at the top end of the "fair" power band. I think it provides way too much value for slower decks to compete against.
Oh for sure. Ravagan looks like it will be a really fun card to play in Constructed and some high power environments, but I think that it's not a great choice if you support a real aggro deck that isn't at the top end of the "fair" power band. I think it provides way too much value for slower decks to compete against.
That's what attracts me most - Ragavan allows aggro to compete in value against slower decks, instead of going deeper into out-tempo'ing them. It's a value card for a tempo deck. It still does nothing against a 1/3, so the red aggro deck is incentivized to point Lightning Bolt at blockers instead of face, but possibly slowing itself down by casting the other deck's spells. And it's a still a good draw late game due to dash.

Thief of Sanity effects are just so tilting in decks-with-plans environments that it's a hard pass for me. Second turn yoinked your Life from the Loam off the top forever, Woopsies! Have fun trying to do the thing you wanted to do without that. Insert any random key deck piece.

Agreed, that's the aspect I dislike most about Ragavan.

as a fan of monored, and with a cube of a high power level, I'm very much here for a 2/1 for 1 that is also, somehow, a mana dork, and also a thief of sanity

Ragavan has a million words and doesn't even legend rule himself
Oh my god I've been dying for a great red one drop for a while now that doesn't just have a ton of useless text ala Falkenrath Gorger. I LOVE the Dash mechanic and this fits so well.

I would have been happy with just the body, maybe a keyword like menace, and the Dash mechanic. This is definitely above and beyond punching way up with the Treasure generation and Grenzo, Havoc Raiser-like ability. This may very well be one of the most powerful low to the ground red creatures we've ever seen. Still, at the end of the day it's a 2/1 so most decks should be able to deal with it or at least prevent profitable attacks with a blocker. Still limited by colors for the exiled card, so it's not quite what we usually expect from such an ability. I'm all for giving Aggro more tools that promote a wider window to continue applying pressure and advance their game, always happy to see it.

I absolutely love this card, instant staple for me.
Some thoughts on the past few days of spoilers and all the sweet beautiful angel baby honey pie broken cards that wotc has blessed us with.


What an incredibly fucked up 1 drop! This card really does it all. You can kick it for haste and immediate impact, it's great on turn 1, it snowballs value. This card probably breaks into fair decks all the way down to vintage. Card's seriously fucked up, I love it.


Tourach is a slick card and probably the first mono black "4 drop" that actually feels legitimately powerful. We get a nice floor rate at 2 mana for an emergency clock or chump blocker, the protection is sometimes relevant and the main mode of a kicked 4/3 that hymns the opponent is a super strong value play at that price point as its not all that often you see a 3 for 1 with a body attached at this cost. Plus as if all of this wasnt enough it's a big value spell that Lurrus decks can play in constructed. Very nice broken card, thanks wotc.


Force of Will was so broken they had to split it up into two cards for Modern. Whatever I'll still take it. The rate at 4 mana is honestly really nice here as a 3/3 flyer that counters a threat is pretty damn solid and certainly kicks the absolute shit out of boomer junk like Venser and Mystic Snake. The zero mana mode is obviously fucked up, free countermagic is fucked up. Love it.


Reanimation spell for non-legends only but at this price point, who am I to complain? I'm a long time legacy reanimator player but that deck doesn't really have what it takes in the current legacy environment, it'll be nice to see if the slightly toned down versions can make it in Modern, I certainly think they can. For cube this card's an obvious slam dunk for folks supporting reanimator as the rate on this spell is fucked the hell up and a 2 mana Apex Altisaur or whatever other big dumbass is certainly worth the price of admission.


Love it. Cute callback with the art and flavortext. Card's obviously amazing even though its probably worse than noble in a lot of good decks since it doesn't make blue. Let's see if wotc has the balls to finish this cycle and give us temur, naya and sultai variants.


Super strong modal spell at this price. The floor of a pair of 1/1's and 3 life is a reasonable buy in price considering how high the ceiling can be on blowing out a strong downtick on a walker or catching countering a reanimation spell. Unsure if this makes it into mainboards in modern but it could be an okay sideboard card with some good play to it.


Red Delver of Secrets eh? Wasn't expecting that but I'll take it! I think the passive surveil is honestly really powerful *especially* in legacy where its gonna be paired with brainstorm ponder and preordain as you can stack your triggers such that you set up the top and then mill something you want in the yard, which can do things like set itself up for delirium very quickly or freeroll an uro into the yard.


Ah yes the Oko of the set, very nice. 3 mana, in the ramp color, a bunch of weird ass synergies that it didn't need by virtue of being a creature in other zones like Unearth and Green Sun's Zenith. The abilities themselves are like better versions of Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast who admittedly isnt good enough for constructed but still a house in cube. The ultimate is a bit shitty but everything else is so good that its just nice that it even has one, card could have nothing else going on besides the static and the first two abilities and it still wouldve been a slam dunk. Interested to see if this card and Ignoble Hierarch are fucked enough to get Jund away from Lurrus, I kind of doubt it but we'll see.


Ah yes, a 2 mana 5/5 with upside. Thanks wotc I didn't expect to see this but I will take it, thank you. Eat your heart out Tarmogoyf!


Hexproof from mono color is p deece, means this lad will dodge a shit ton of removal and the static is obviously amazing in certain decks, exactly the kind of card my cube is interested in. If nivpile continues to be a deck in modern I would not be super surprised to see 1-2 of these bad boys find their way in as the card does threaten a ton of value very quickly and can come down as early as turn 2.


Unsure if this is gonna be quite good enough for my cube but its certainly got some potential. I like that you can pitch this card for value to shit like liliana of the veil and faithless looting or just play it out early and use it to later buyback a bombier threat. In constructed this could be a decent tool for reanimator as it does allow you to put big beefers like griselbrand into play on turn 3 which is pretty good as far as im aware.


Yep, this card really is a 2 mana 4/4 flyer with upside. What a fucking WILD set this is! I'm here for it though! Card obviously fucks and both arts are gas.


The protections on this are decent for getting through opposing boardstates as green and white do tend to play more to the board than the other 3 colors but as far as removal protection its a bit shittier. The saboteur trigger on SoH&H is okay, potentially very strong but low floor high ceiling. Only tutoring up basic lands makes the ramp trigger a bit weak and the blink effect can be basically useless on a lot of boardstates as the decks that want to play sticks are often going taller rather than wider so the odds you have something worth blonking are lessened. That said its got the potential to do some crazy shit when you flick a blade splicer or whatever. I'm not too hot on this one personally but you can do worse and I'll probably test it just to confirm my suspcions.
Agreed. Venser is still the shit with a wider window of interaction both on the stack and on the battlefield along with more synergies with blink cards like Soulherder. Like being able to re-buy the effect an bounce your opponents is actually disgusting, you haven't lived until you've been able to pull that off to set them back 2. You even get to use our forum namesake via ULD to really go all mad scientist with it. Subtlety has a better body and I guess the gotcha ability, but Venser still checks off too many boxes for me. He'll always a home in my cube.
Agreed. Venser is still the shit with a wider window of interaction both on the stack and on the battlefield along with more synergies with blink cards like Soulherder. Like being able to re-buy the effect an bounce your opponents is actually disgusting, you haven't lived until you've been able to pull that off to set them back 2. You even get to use our forum namesake via ULD to really go all mad scientist with it. Subtlety has a better body and I guess the gotcha ability, but Venser still checks off too many boxes for me. He'll always a home in my cube.

I like boomer junk too, one of my favorite cards of all time is Patriarch's Bidding, I loved playing that card in Goblin Bidding in Standard a million years ago, it was the first competitive deck I ever played in Magic and when I saw the card in the spoiler for MH2 I got a nice kick of nostalgia. But I'm not delusional, I know Patriarch's Bidding sucks in 2021, card will see zero play in modern whatsoever and that's fine. I still like it.