Sets (MH3) Modern Horizons 3 Previews

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New flip walker leaks. I think they all look pretty sweet, though obviously each has a million words. Having played with the new Ajani a little bit, he hasn’t been too confusing because he doesn’t usually have more than one relevant mode on the backside.
these are so cool!

i acquired a bunch of the previous flip walkers. how cool to have that story moment, that ensparkening, depicted on the card! also thought that, since they're not a walker until you jump through a hoop, they won't be as obnoxious of infinite value engines as regular walkers are. but they're still pretty bananas on the front side. whaddaya gonna do about it though, idk!

but these're so cool. :confused:
these are so cool!

i acquired a bunch of the previous flip walkers. how cool to have that story moment, that ensparkening, depicted on the card! also thought that, since they're not a walker until you jump through a hoop, they won't be as obnoxious of infinite value engines as regular walkers are. but they're still pretty bananas on the front side. whaddaya gonna do about it though, idk!

but these're so cool. :confused:

If you collect them, don’t forget Nicol Bolas
I know expressed some concerns earlier about this set given the themes WOTC is looking to push, but after seeing the rest of the DFC walkers, I'm a lot more confident that this set will meet my expectations. Most of the flip-walkers are open-ended but with cool synergies. Even the narrowest of the bunch, Ral, pushes a classic Modern deck that has fallen out of favor in recent years. I am excited to see more!
"I know expressed some concerns earlier about this set...but after seeing the rest of the DFC walkers, I'm a lot more confident that this set will meet my expectations."

Well, if MH1 & MH2 are any indication, literally every single card in the set will eventually find a home in some deck somewhere, across all the formats, and either be (merely) rock solid roleplayer there or will be absolutely busted. Future Sight timeshifted cards were really similar. I think they all found a home somewhere by now. These are some of the most playable sets they ever make, honestly. I am super-jazzed for MH3.

But, I do also run a Zhulodok deck so all the new Eldrazi should be 100% fun for me.
I loved both of the other Modern Horizons sets as well. They have a real "love letter to the game" feeling to them.

I think it helps that I don't play constructed Modern anymore, so it doesn't feel like Wizards might be gearing up to delete my $1500 deck from the meta. I'm just looking forward to some oddball uncommons and weird combinations of old mechanics.
Future Sight timeshifted cards were really similar. I think they all found a home somewhere by now. These are some of the most playable sets they ever make, honestly. I am super-jazzed for MH3.

okay, okay...

The fun trivia question about this one is that the last three timeshifted cards to get firmed up as FUT's last three cards - allegedly - were this, Bridge from Below, and Tarmogoyf.

(MaRo confirmed at the time that he designed Volute and Bridge as the last two during hole-filling, and also confirmed [multiple times, though I only have the one offhand] that Tarmogoyf was put back in when they decided Planeswalkers, as a card type, needed more development time rather than being in FUT, though I can't find a source for the combination of those two statements.) two enormous power outliers and one wet fart.
Nulldrifter's really interesting because it's a sidegrade to good ol' Mulldrifter - instead of Cloudshift giving you four cards and a 2/2 flyer for {2}{W}{U}, you get two cards and a 4/4 flying annihilator. One's absurd value, the other's a reasonable threat.

Nulldrifter is objectively superior, though, because it has a mana value that actually exists. Five mana? What's that made-up nonsense?
Slightly nerfed Mulldrifter that has a body that can close out a late game and can be played in mono green might be just what my cube wants.
Well, yes, the promotional ones etc. If you mean in a draftable environment, I think the only precedent is the "special rarity" Wastes in Time Spiral Remastered

Ah yes of course!

Yeah I meant for drafting I guess.

It is a bit weird to see Basics at uncommon. Maybe that is because they don’t want the players to actually have realiable Snow sources in Modern Horizons 3 drafting?
It's like the polar opposite of everything I'd want in my cube. Such a chore to read through and so unnecessarily complex.

If it's a Kaladesh cube with energy go buck wild but I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.