Do you guys ever wonder what Magic will be like in 2035?
Sonic, Sneakered Speedster will create 1d6 Ring tokens whenever a source an opponent controls deals damage to him. Ring tokens are identical to Treasures except they generate brand awareness. One in every 1000 Ring tokens is a reprint of The One Ring.
Legendary creatures will be printed on extra-thick wafers with an e-paper display allowing them to display up to 15 different images and text boxes per individual card. Winning games allows them to unlock new abilities when playing in League Mode which is cross-compatible between paper and digital games.
Mulldrifter will still be in literally every cube (or it should be.)
The default starting life total for a 1v1 60-card game of constructed Magic will be 25.
Players will be able to take up to 7 free mulligans, but each mulligan requires you to begin the game with an additional card from your starting hand revealed to the opponent.
Somehow, Yawgmoth will return.