Does anyone share my fear that Wizard is going to "out-riptide" us with these supplemental products and with their new design policy ?
That is not a fear but a hope

A very slim, fading, dull, distant beacon of hope
However it still looks like most people are brewing cubes based on Wizards’ biggest mistakes and not their most interesting designs/something unique. So at least there’s that.
We can always go EVEN MOOAR RIPTIDE and totally outriptide them to the ground!
I don't think it's going to be possible for WOTC to out-Riptide Riptide with supplemental products.
There is a fundamental difference between building a riptide cube and designing a full-fledged set or supplemental product. All we have to do is regulate our powerbands and create an interesting limited environment. Wizards has to include some cards specifically for limited, for Commander, for real constructed formats, and for casual players. In addition, wizards has to print some amount of "Gold Bars" to sell the set. For example, compare War of the Spark to my cube. Both have similar themes and archetypes, as-fans of gold cards, and a higher than usual number of planeswalkers for limited. Yet, playing with War of the Spark feels like a complete trainwreck half the time, while Highball feels like, well, riding a highball! The reason for this is simple. I didn't have to include cards specifically to impact Standard or make commander players have a collective seizure. All I had to do was design a format that was fun to draft. Since I had fewer goals I needed to meet, I was able to achieve those goals better than an actual set might.
As WOTC prints more Riptidey cards, we're all going to have better tools for our cubes. They can go nuts printing
Wand of Vertebrae and
Drake Havens in a (subconscious) attempt to emulate our limited environments, but the fact that they have to include cards like
God-Eternal Oketra in their sets means that they're not going to be able to achieve this goal using any sort of capitalistic model. If Wizards really wants to out-riptide us, their going to have to build their sets with a more even powerband, which corporate won't let them do because they fear a decrease in sales. The more tools they give us, the harder their job becomes (right now). Funny how that works.