Serum visions reprint...
@Onder: Gatekeepers seem likely... and they are great with flicker effects
I am scared
Ghostly Flicker will be uncommon and that 3+color blink value decks will be tough to overcome. Gates at common coupled with signets/tri-lands at uncommon seem like a durdling recipe for disaster. I could easily see this Limited format playing like "that one time I designed a peasant cube and added all the good cards, and surprisingly, it wasn't fun to play", but let's hope there are a few balancing strategies...
Its already over dude. They are running the splicer tribal deck. Its reminding me of the penny cube, but less balanced. It could still be fun, it just depends on how obnoxious this UW deck is.
With visions, compulsive research, flickerwisp, master splicer, path to exile, and wing splicer at uncommon, coupled with the power of momentary blink and vanish into memory...ggs. You'll always be able to get a collection of sick uncommons in UW, giving you better consistancy, raw power,
and synergy that should beat out any other combination. People forget that momentary blink at this power level is
both a conditional counterspell as well as a utility spell effect, and you have time to play it reactively. This is before we even get into rares.
Just a question if you want to go into green for vital splicer, or black for lingering souls (both uncommons). Sick.