General Mystery Booster

Absolutely agree, but that won't stop some scumbags from trying, and this mechanic provokes that behavior more than others, I feel. Plus, there's the monetary aspect, still. Which, coincidentally, also makes cheating more likely, because then you don't have to pay for the card twice. Also, what if a player does have money to burn? Ruleswise, if you have to provide a decklist, what are you going to say? One of my Gold Mines has one mark, the other have zero. One round in and the decklist should realistically be outdated, but there's no way to actually check the Mines got used (or at least it's very labor intensive to do so), so if you do a deck check after round three, and there's still three Gold Mines with zero marks and one with one mark, did the player cheat? I mean, it's unlikely that they didn't use Gold Mine at least ones over three matches, but not impossible. How many times is that player, if they're a cheater, going to go to the bathroom between rounds to secretly sleeve up a few fresh Gold Mines? The design is great for this product, but it would be a nightmare in sanctioned play.

Wait is there a rule that says you can’t switch out cards for other cards with the same name?


Ecstatic Orb
Wait is there a rule that says you can’t switch out cards for other cards with the same name?
I don't know if there is, but here we are at the heart of the matter: copied of Gild Mine are not necessarily functionally identical, and that is a problem (insofar that it men's the mechanic is ill-suited for a black-bordered release).
I don't know if there is, but here we are at the heart of the matter: copied of Gild Mine are not necessarily functionally identical, and that is a problem (insofar that it men's the mechanic is ill-suited for a black-bordered release).

Well that’s true. We can at least agree that the cards are not totally identical when one card has 2 uses left and another has 4.

Cards with matching names were identical when I last read the comprehensive rules but that was before Unstable. Unstable example of non-identical cards with identical names:

BAA3D0B6-1E60-4374-9B24-6C7E210E8471.jpeg 75578703-F1E7-44B1-BF3C-963A45330B4E.jpeg

So I guess my question would be, have the rules been rewritten since or should they be rewritten now with Unstable/Mystery Testing?


Ecstatic Orb
I don't think they have, since neither the Unstable cards with multiple versions nor the Mystery playtest cards are legal in any format. They simply made sure this awkward situation can't occur during constructed tournament play :)
In that case then I 100 % agree that this mechanic cannot be printed in a tournament legal set unless some rules are rewritten.

You should all send all your copies of Gold Mine to me :p I can use it for my tournaments :p
if I used Gold Mine i'd get players to mark the sleeve and have it reset after each draft. In fact if I can get my hands on one, that's exactly what I'll do.

I might have to do this if I can’t find more than this single Gold Mine :( Kind of a last resort thing.
I now have all the Gold Mines that I need!

Does anyone know how to get hands on these cards?


They are from the Heroes of the Realm set.
Inzerva is from 2017 and Kharis from 2018.
They are awards given to WotC employees and not intended to be used in actual play. AFAIK, they are not publicly available, so you’d need to make proxies.
I'm planning on trying these five:
Unicycle.pngVazal the Compleat.pngPuresteel Angel.pngGrowth Charm.pngGenerated Horizons.png

I'm going to be keeping a particular eye on Puresteel Angel for high power level and Generated Horizons for low power level. I might also give Impatient Iguanadon a shot.

I tried pretty hard to find art I liked for Vazal, and really came up short. I'm open to suggestions. I'm not entirely thrilled with any of the art aside from the angel to be honest.
For the angel how about the artwork for Mirrodin Pure that never came to be when Phyrexia won the battle during Mirrodin Besieged?


Edit: For anyone who doesn’t know: During the second Mirrodin block Wizards let the players decide if Mirran or Phyrexia would win the war by having stores report back to Wizards with information on which side won each Mirrodin Besieged prefelease events at the local stores. At least that is what they told us. They gave us a preview card for each set and only one of those sets would see print.

Here is Pristine Talisman. The only card to ever see print from Mirrodin Pure: