General Mystery Booster


Staff member
I got to do 4 Mystery Booster drafts at GP Brisbane, I posted 3 of my decks on my cube blog.
Format is really sweet and there is a lot of value to be had, as no one really knows what the playtest cards are actually worth.


Staff member
If you get a chance to draft it, do it. This is probably one of the closest things you can get to cube draft from a retail set. Did one last night at my LGS and went 3-0. My deck was filled with weird and great synergies I wasn't expecting. Could even side in an Ashnod's Altar and a Aetherflux Reservoir if I felt like doing some bad combo shenanigans. Would love to do it again if my LGS had any stock left :\
Very much! Here are the cards that I think you should consider.

My favorite:

The card I believe all cubers should test in their cube:

The cards that work in my cube but maybe not in many other cubes (but maybe yours?):
No thank you :) I could easily make them myself if I wanted to change official cards to custom cards.

Also you forgot to add a Reverse miracle cost to Sunimret. It should cost one black mana to cast.
They’re just counterfeit proxies. It is not like custom cards. The Mystery Booster cards actually exist and there is nothing to gain from not using the official cards that support Wizards in making future Magic sets.


Ecstatic Orb
They’re just counterfeit proxies. It is not like custom cards. The Mystery Booster cards actually exist and there is nothing to gain from not using the official cards that support Wizards in making future Magic sets.
I can't speak for others, but I think the original test cards look like shit. I like them for what they are, a fun, little experiment, but I skipped acquiring any because of their aesthetics. I would consider putting into my cube this version of Frogkin Kidnapper, though, since it looks so much better with the rest of my cube. I'm not costing WotC money, since the alternative is me not buying any of those cards anyway.

I know there are people who proxy the expensive cards in their cube. You could argue that they're costing WotC money too, but the alternative often is that they don't own a cube at all, which means they wouldn't acquire the cheaper cards either, and maybe would play less Magic as a result, thereby actually lowering WotC's revenue. Also, it's not like we owe WotC our money. Rather than chastise people for using proxies, I think it's good to look at people's motivations for proxying, because it's not always as black and white.

The only instance in which proxying is objectively wrong is in a tournament setting. If you want to compete in a WotC-sanctioned event, the rules are clear, you have to buy the cards. WotC has every right to set this requirement as well. Though, even there, I've seen plenty of Vintage tournaments that allowed up to five proxies, because having players is better than not having any, and getting all the power is prohibitively expensive.
Fair :D

I did proxy fetchlands for a while in my cube because they were so expensive, but eventually bought real ones when they were reprinted in one of the Modern Masters sets!

My personal opinion: This is how to proxy (unless custom cards are proxy because if they are, then custom cards are the best way to proxy)
It's not my fault they created that super ugly m15 rare frame. I'm either proxying ugly (or expensive) cards, or I don't buy anything, like ondee said