Nanonox's 1vs1 cube

Have been bot drafting/iterating a lot with a fork of your 1v1 Cube, maybe some food for thought!
That's really cool as initially it was from Erik's, inscho's, dbs's and your cubes that I drew inspiration, will gladly steal more ideas :p. First thing I notice is that you were brave enough to go down to 360. I've been meaning to, but keep postponing as cuts are tough.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on some cuts that I hadn't considered:

Gitaxian Probe, Treasure Cruise and Blazing Rootwalla/Basking Rootwalla

And how do you draw the line in regards to interaction? I've noticed you run Swords to Plowshares, but omitted Thoughtseize and Daze. This is something I often struggle with!

A standout package that I should be running as it fixes two problems I've had in White: lack of 1 drops and lack of build arounds.

Love how potent these two one drops are. I mentioned wanting Ocelot in an above post, but hadn't connected it with the Guide because I kind of ignored energy. Seems like an oversight because Selesnya tokens looks like a beating

That is a really tight token package that can branch out easily into artifacts.

What I'd like are a few extra sources of life gain in Abzan to help the cat have more homes. Going to test

This card does so much in decks of all speeds that I will just add it back already. I initially cut it for being too generically good and while still true IMO, the upsides of having Flash, making tokens, gaining life and putting counters on stuff is really perfect.

Since I've seen how pivotal Warren Soultrader making Treasure tokens can be for Black/X decks, I've been thinking that the Provisioner should work similarly for Green decks, with the added bonus of working with the above Selesnya package thanks to Food tokens. Lands is as much an intergral archetype to Green as Sacrifice is to Black. It's another 3 drop for the lands deck though, but at this point it seems it can't be avoided. Better prioritize those mana dorks!

Fun little one drop that easily grows. Being Golgari isn't a huge problem since I see the Pride as an Abzan card and fixing is good. I've had it in before it was perfectly serviceable!

I am also considering these but they seem unlikely for now: Sorin of House Markov, Barrowgoyf and Phyrexian Fleshgorger.

Or maybe I can justify slotting in Umezawa's Jitte for the life gain synergy. Seems legit?!

I also like the minimal Berserkers package. Embercleave and Rancor in particular can fit into most aggressive or midrange decks no questions asked. Regal Bunnicorn is huge and fits the tokens package nicely.

White control package

In addition to the Wandering Empreror, I am going to be trying these three to bolster slower White decks. Reclamation would complete the grindy/sacrifice aspect of with combined with Pre-War Formalwear, Helping Hand, Serra Paragon and Second Sunrise. That is a lot of staying power for longer games!

Land Tax and Scroll Rack is an old school combo that I think has merit. Scroll Rack is great card selection with fetches, is useful for cheat decks that already have their targets in hand and prevents losing to self-mill. Land Tax is mostly to hit land drops, but also provides fodder for Firestorm or something. WIth the amount of land sacrifice in the cube, it's also an option to go down a land to trigger it. As Erik mentioned, Big Boros would love this and I agree.

6 months ago, inscho suggested Armageddon and I wasn't quite there yet. I am getting closer and closer to including it though. My biggest gripe was how badly it can close out a lead. That is still 100% valid I think, but I am now actively seeking cards that blow up lands and help tie the lands theme to other colors. Squandered Resources is great, but at smaller size, it's tough to justify because of how narrow it is. Key selling points for Armageddon:

- Aggro, midrange and combo will all be able to use it effectively.

- Goes well with all of White's recursive tools.

- I've been wanting to make the Green 1 drop mana dorks more relevant outside of just accelerating a 3 drop on turn 2 (that is extremely good mind you). Armageddon, Winter Orb and Paradox Engine are the type of cards I mean. Edric, Spymaster of Trest is another way to do so, but not the card I am looking for. Opposition is also a good way to use them, but a little easy and one-sided for my tastes.

- Related to the previous point, Insidious Roots, Earthcraft and Urza, Lord High Artificer are even better (not that the last 2 needed much help). A Bant land destruction deck looks hot.

Do any of you have experience with Armageddon?

I've been getting some sacrilegious thoughts that involve cutting some classics. It's bad, and I know I am not alone. Check out these cuts I am considering

I've been annoyed at how well things need to go for you to actually play these cards. With the uptick in enchantments and artifacts added to the cube, being limited to instants and sorceries is tough to get working consistently. If I draft a Pyrite Spellbomb, a Seal of Fire and an Unholy Heat, they aren't looking so hot. I really like these cards though and ultimately probably won't touch them, but they are really annoying to make work.

Instead I've been looking at

Making artifact tokens is super relevant and the PW ability can be situationally good too. Obviously 3 > 2 mana, which is a big draw to Young Pyro. But that noncreature text allows all of the cube's different synergies to come together so much cleaner. The Mage on the other hand is just a solid card for aggressive and combo decks. I like the flexibile mana cost, I like the token making aspect and once again the noncreature text.

The takeaway here is that I'll be keeping both of these because they are fun, unique, iconic and 2 mana.


If I want to draft an UB or RB spells deck, then Saheeli will fit into both just like the Witch. But it's more open ended and therefore gets the pick.
Armaggedon works, the problem is that it's just too esay. It's not even that good, just easy. The single {W} mana makes it easy to splash and some decks have no recourse against it.

Regarding the "classics", you are not wrong. In practice, all spell-matters cards are anti-synergetic with themselves. They require you to run as many instant and sorceries as possible, but they are not themselves instant or sorceries. They also have the "Oath problem", in that Magic is increasingly creature-based so, by avoiding those, your drafting options are massively reduced.

Ideally, you will draft about 10 creatures and 15 instant/sorceries. At a glance, I run like 90 instant/sorceries so you are looking to get a fourth of them! That's a lot.

That said, it's a fun archetype, Dreadhorde Arcanist is one of my favourite cards to build around, even. I've found the 3 mana replacements to be kind of bad, though.

Dom Harvey

I'd love to hear your thoughts on some cuts that I hadn't considered:

Gitaxian Probe, Treasure Cruise and Blazing Rootwalla/Basking Rootwalla

And how do you draw the line in regards to interaction? I've noticed you run Swords to Plowshares, but omitted Thoughtseize and Daze. This is something I often struggle with!

Probe: I'm a bit leery of the free info and the fact it doesn't 'do anything' other than be a very strong free spell; good enough on power level but without specific tie-ins to spell payoffs/drawing extra cards etc it doesn't win me over

Cruise: In a weird spot where the decks that could make it cheap enough often enough have other GY rewards it competes with, and in those decks I like Dig as a way to find specific combo pieces etc

Rootwallas: Just not impressive cards, I only want them in Survival decks but even there they are often only good if you have active Survival (already a winning position)

The interaction was just filling in gaps to get back to 360; Swords filled a specific gap in white's interaction but I simply forgot about Thoughtseize and would add it back too, I really dislike Daze though.
Armaggedon works, the problem is that it's just too esay. It's not even that good, just easy. The single {W} mana makes it easy to splash and some decks have no recourse against it.
You are right that it is easy, even if symmetrical. If I am to stay consistent and exclude Opposition because of how easy it is to use, then Armageddon should stay out as well.

As I usually do when exploring an archetype, I push hard then scale back. I am now leaning towards not actually needing more land sacrifice options, I've been happy with the decks I've been drafting.

Drafting Dom's version of the cube, I've realized that I've been missing the X mana creatures as mana sinks and as incidental counter support. I'd like at least one in Green and one in White as those are the main +1/+1 counter colors and Green can make a lot of mana. There is another in Red that I enjoy and will be trying


The Rabbit is a fantastic token producer anywhere on the curve if it gets to attack. I like that it not only puts counters on itself but also receives them very well. The late game card you can get is a nice bonus.
The Dragon is like a Fireball that sticks around and makes great use of large quantities of mana. It's not as good as the Rabbit at lower mana values, but can close out a game out of nowhere. I don't have a lot of Haste in the cube, but it is an ability I enjoy. It forces the opponent to respect the possibility of not being safe, kind of like a free spell.

I'll be trying to experiment without Oswald and Ethersworn Canonist in this iteration. They are narrow cards that don't often make the main and sometimes don't even fit into the type of artifact deck that is drafted. I haven't found a cut I really like for the Devastator so for now I am cutting Valakut Exploration which hasn't found many homes. I appreciate having another Lands matter card in Red, but it isn't strictly necessary.

For Green there are three choices I am considering

Voracious Hydra and the Spellunker have both been in the cube, but I cut them for being too slow or grindy. There is merit to impacting the board or filling the GY though. However, just like with the Devastator, I am really liking the Haste on Goldvein Hydra. If you have a sacrifice outlet it becomes a delayed ritual kind of? It's also pretty good with the artifact fatties as if it dies, it can help cast them. Will cut Channel though as the Haste from the Dragon + Hydra really isn't very cool on turn 3.

Berserkers 2.0 (inspiration to revisit it from Dom)

I want to use a few slots to revisit Berserkers. With the scaling X threats being added and the fact it brings an aggro-combo element I think a subtheme is reasonable. I am talking really minimal support that consists of big bodies and effects that give Trample and increase power. The big departure from my previous attempt is moving away from Double Strikers and adding more naturally big bodies that aren't pigeonholing you into the archetype.



No knock against the Rallier, but I've found that my Selesnya decks don't need extra grind. GW has Regrowth, Eternal Witness, Six and Samwise Gamgee in addition to White's suite of recursive effects and Green's land recursion. Being a replaceable multicolored 3 drop isn't a great spot to be in. Plus, the cards I am adding will be very playable in Selesnya even if not explicitly gold.

Rancor is the most tame version of the effect, but also wildly playable. Jamming this on a Jacked Rabbit or a Regal Bunnicorn will lead to some serious animal smackdown. Rancor's downside is that it isn't great with threats that already have Trample since the power boost is minimal. But that is where the others come in.


Embercleave and Berserk are classics and not only do they grant Trample, they also effectively double the power of your threat. That's it for now, as I said a subtheme more than a fully supported archetype.

I tried Tameshi and it's ok in the bot drafts, but it sparks no joy. Even if it is the right tool for Azorius decks, I don't enjoy it so cutting it for now alongside the Lotus Bloom.

To add to the cards you want to be putting the boosting effects on, I'll be trying a few swaps.



The Bunnicorn can and will get huge. It's a dumb beater, but one that only costs 2, Tarmogoyf style.


Once again, no knock on Malcolm, it's a great card that plays well. But the Duelist has the explosive potential to deal a ton of damage and the Berserker package will enhance it further.
Adding a single Crime card isn't ideal, but then again, Malcolm has a lot of text with the counter shenanigans. I'd call it a wash in that department.

As another option to push the subtheme and the +1/+1 counter theme into Blue (with the goal of giving the color more aggressive options)

I could see a UG counter/berserker hybrid where this would fit as well as a UB draw 7 deck with Psychic Frog and Orcish Bowmasters. The Bowmasters are too strong, but they also do everything this cube wants so they are probably going to come back, balance be damned.

The Offspring mechanic reminded me of this card I have overlooked that is pretty appealing all things considered. On non-legendary creatures it can act as a protection spell or as a value card. It's nuts with the evoke elementals, really good with generic ETB effects and also great with utility creatures. Has anyone tried it?

Decided to actually write a small text for the overview over on CubeCobra as well as a few example decks for most broad archetypes I support.
White control package

In addition to the Wandering Empreror, I am going to be trying these three to bolster slower White decks. Reclamation would complete the grindy/sacrifice aspect of with combined with Pre-War Formalwear, Helping Hand, Serra Paragon and Second Sunrise. That is a lot of staying power for longer games!
Recursion cards that can be used from the grave (like Sevinne's Reclamation and Crawl from the Cellar) provide a huge boost to the consistency of combo decks that rely on throwing stuff into the grave. I hope Sevinne's Rec works out for you as well!

I've been getting some sacrilegious thoughts that involve cutting some classics. It's bad, and I know I am not alone. Check out these cuts I am considering

I've been annoyed at how well things need to go for you to actually play these cards. With the uptick in enchantments and artifacts added to the cube, being limited to instants and sorceries is tough to get working consistently. If I draft a Pyrite Spellbomb, a Seal of Fire and an Unholy Heat, they aren't looking so hot. I really like these cards though and ultimately probably won't touch them, but they are really annoying to make work.

Instead I've been looking at

I've actually gone in the opposite direction as you, starting with "noncreature spells" cards to "instant and sorcery spells" to try and make artifact, enchantment, and spellslinger decks more unique from each other and not melt together into same-every-draft mush. Is this a phenomenon you've found in your cube?

Huge +1 to Saheeli! She's a player favorite. You'll find players use her -2 to pull off some really fun stunts. Some other open-ended noncreature spells cards I'd recommend are Manaform Hellkite and Dream Halls. The Hellkite is like a super aggressive version of Saheeli that can quickly close games if you can keep it fueled, some of your players may enjoy it. Dream Halls turns cards into mana super efficiently and is responsible for some of the most explosive turns I've ever seen in Magic. And it works as a Show and Tell-esc cheat card to boot!
I've actually gone in the opposite direction as you, starting with "noncreature spells" cards to "instant and sorcery spells" to try and make artifact, enchantment, and spellslinger decks more unique from each other and not melt together into same-every-draft mush. Is this a phenomenon you've found in your cube?
Thanks for sharing! Your question had me thinking of why I went in the noncreature payoff direction and this is what I've got. I see two "obvious" approaches:

1. Have a majority of noncreature payoffs with a few specific ones to pull you into a specific archetype (spells, artifacts, enchantments).

2. Have a majority of specific payoffs (spells, artifacts, enchantments) and a few noncreature ones to tie the room together.

I am currently choosing option 1 for two reasons:

1. I am afraid of decks being too on rails if there is little/no overlap between the various noncreature types.

2. I don't think there are enough specific payoffs for each archetype that can hang at my power level. An example is spells matters vs artifacts.

These are the top tier spells payoffs. There are a few more, but it kind of drops off after that.

Compare to artifacts, where not only is the ceiling of these cards higher, I could list another ten that would fit on power level. So rather than include lower power level spells payoffs that would either be traps or be extremely niche, I include the powerful noncreature payoffs to reach the required density. This isn't perfect either, because now it means that my artifact decks can pick up instant and sorceries and be rewarded with a Third Path Iconoclast lowering the chances that the spells matter decks come together. I'm fine with that though, but it's part of the reason why I was considering alternatives to Young Pyromancer and friends in a previous post. That's what I signed up for when designing a higher powered cube, I have less options at my power level than if it were lower.

I'd love to hear about your enchantment package/payoffs though!

Some other open-ended noncreature spells cards I'd recommend are Manaform Hellkite and Dream Halls.
The Hellkite I tried in my MP cube and it's been a house there. A bit confusing with free spells, but other than that it hits hard! 4 mana is not exactly where I want my noncreature payoffs though as I like the curve to be a little leaner.

Dream Halls though is an interesting one! Busted with Wheels and a great cheat enabler. The thing is, my creature cheat targets are colorless, so I would have to rework the cube to make it more hospitable to Dream Halls. Not impossible, but definitely a challenge. A Natural Order package would probably be added alongside the enchantment. I would be excited forProtean Hulk, Old One Eye and Gruff Triplets as targets (first three to come to mind).

Thanks for the feedback and ideas, always appreciated!