There's so many bangers recently, I'm just gonna vomit my thoughts and also shamelessly paste jokes from the discord if you've missed some:

This I wanna call out as being less good than it seems actually, casting an artifact spell is much worse than artifact ETB, so this is mostly smaller than it looks, even if ward 2 on a 2 drop is above where you'd expect it.

Jiro dreams of Aristocrats over here is solid. I've found myself in two extremes with my aristocrats cards: either everything costs 1 or everything costs 3, and this can help balance that out. I don't love the hefty activation cost, but this isn't really something you're meant to be looping like goblin bombardment: you don't need to draw that many more cards for this to be threatening, provided you have the time and mana to do so.
Also: this is an actual rare case of an enchantment creature that will end up in the graveyard (as opposed to say,
courser of kruphix) so it's actual delirium support!

Huh, this is pretty cool. I guess it makes sense it say permanent, you could just get
time warp back....IT'S A 6/5?!?!
Big baneslayer energy, but ninjitsu changes that dynamic. Love it.
Ink-Eyes of kamigawa past had a similar dynamic.

It's low powered sure, but
Arc Trail/
Open Fire with some splash damage is intriguing. To any hearthstone players, Swipe (this but 4 mv and 4 damage) always played better than it looked, and it looked
great. (And yes I get that damage is permanent in hearthstone, and there's also spellpower, but still!)

This is excellent as haste enablers go, and (until they print ward
lightning greaves for y'all) I love seeing stuff like this
The issue I see here is the equip being R instead of 1 probably ends up being a big deal.

Speaking of haste enablers this also seems interesting! It's probably the most punishing of the available options to draw out of order, but MAN this is also a
glorious anthem if you draw it in order.
Also the fail case of being a slow pump spell is not nothing either.

I'd been running
hellrider mostly for lack of options I liked in that role and while this is worse, I'm interested.