There's quite a lot of interest here for low power cubes. Crumbling Vestige looks like it could be a lot of fun with bouncelands and other effects that return lands to your hand.
Words, some good ones.
Oath of whoever, just give us more sweet cityscapes and kor and guilds and elementals! They evoke flavor and setting like the lines in Mad Max Fury Road, via alluding and suggesting the shape of things more than telling us "this is Jace, these are his specific feelings and his specific drama".
Weird I loved the weather light storytelling and bfz made no impression on me besides wasting perfectly good cosmic horror potential. I never got a sense of any interpersonal interaction or a moving saga from the cards or that the art on generic seeming cards were used to contribute to storytelling without saying a word.
Come to think of it I thought urzas block storytelling tricks were better but i guess you needed a decoder ring to figure out that each colour reflected a different place or time in his saga.
Oooh you mean about those boring planes walkers talking about saving the world and vampire heroes with something to lose ya that totes stinks.
You underestimate how much casual players hate hexproof IMO
I wasn't into the magic novels but I could still get the gist of the old mans war with phyrexia and the weatherlights trip and their trials and betrayals along the way. It was kinda nice that everything wasn't epic, or at least when it was, it took you several blocks to get into an actual big conflict.
Completely agree on the epic confrontation point
We went from weatherlight through tempest block, urzas and masques to finally get to invasion and boy were we ready for it.
Even odyssey was a six set story, that was kinda neat.
I guess this is more of "Lucas complains about the new art" but I honestly think we've come a long way and it's been mostly downhill. They learned how to make the gameplay a little more rich but they lost it with the flavor, sorta like comparing fallout 1 or arcanum to world of warcraft lol.
I kinda see what you're saying. Like, this card I kinda take umbridge with:
Very little about this card is there for any reason than story. Did we need an indestructible/hexproof hoser? Does it need to be activated?
Being anchored to this world makes you targetable?
Kozilek doesn't even have the other ability so its a failure there too!.
Not the biggest list of cards I want to test this time. But there's a couple I'm really excited about, primarily the two planeswalkers!
Slip through space is probably better served as shadow rift, which can also be used as stun
I'm tempted to make custom mana fixing to be honest. There's got to be a good design out there that can accommodate colorless mana (other than painlands and filters that is).Couple weeks ago Chris hit me with a reality smasher that did a pretty neat blightning impression. That thing is a damned killer, not sure how you pay for it though, outside of mana rocks and wastelands.