Sets [ORI] Magic Origins Spoilers


Ecstatic Orb
My thoughts on Sword of the Animist:

Is that because the card isn't good or because your opponent's deck sucked? Because honestly, if they can't leverage 6 extra lands and a significantly thinned library, they probably need two Grave Titans to win a game of Magic!

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Man, so many things have to go correctly for that card to be worthwhile. +1/+1 is fairly negligible, and you have to spend 4 mana for the first cast + equip.

Also, there is a fairly small intersection between decks that want to attack a lot and decks that want to ramp. I think in general decks either want their ramp card or their equipment card. And combining the two at this cost isn't doing a ton.
Clearly the turn 4 play for this old standard deck (which was zendikar, after all)

A million fetches etc.

I SHOULD love this card based on everything else I love in this game, but I'm just not that excited. Seems perfect for the durdly GX dudes-that-replace-themselves value decks that people seem to always make around here.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I'm under the impression it is a seeded card to work well with the next expansion aka Battle of Zendikar aka landfall. Could be wrong though...

Yeah, that's a good point. It might enable something really sweet when the next block rolls around, so if you're on the fence, maybe $5-6 is a reasonable price in case this shoots up into the stratosphere later...

Dom Harvey

I hope BfZ has enough cheap landfall cards that going animal with fetchlands et al. is viable across most/all colours
Gideon's story article today has a new art (I think part of it was shown somewhere else) of a boros garrison building:
When I read it around 45 minutes after it went up, the image had the cardname as "Boros Precinct" but obviously had a magic back linked as that card doesn't exist. Occasionally something like this will slip through editors and we'll get an early card name to go with its image- BFZ featuring possible cross-plane storytelling? Apparently there's a lot less of Zendikar left to fight for.
Leonin Scimitar is pretty much unplayably bad and costs half the mana. Rampant Growth is playable but not exactly exciting at half the mana and without an attack step.

As for whether you should run the sword and the likely return of landfall, a wise man once said "you are allowed to put as many basic lands in your deck as you want."
The Interwebz says Sword of the Animist is really good in EDH, but I still don't get it. Is it cause everyone has infinite time to durdle, and amassing a huge stack of basics is a good plan?

Hitting your lands is the biggest thing in EDH. The mana curve in that format is pretty steep, most everything relevant is 4+. It's a colorless form of ramp for colors that don't get access to ramp very often, a good inclusion in many non-green decks. Ramping up into your big threats is always good, people always play the likes of Rampant Growth and Sak-Tribe whenever they can. 2 mana equip is nothing in a format where you often ends up with 10+ lands in play.

Dom Harvey

In actual competitive EDH, this card would not be close to playable. In the form of EDH that most groups play, where you can do whatever you want for the first 12 turns or so as long as you aren't offending anyone, this is one of the many things you can put in your deck.
Trick Question: what's the difference between an EDH deck and a random stack of reject rares shuffled up with some basics?


Ecstatic Orb
Reject rares might not have a legendary in them.

No, I'm pretty sure it's the basics. I once played a game where one player landed a Primal Order, after which another player started whining incessantly how unfair that fucking card was. Mind you, this was a player with duals and shocklands, and he had Global Ruin in hand when Primal Order hit the table off of 2 basic Forests a basic Swamp and a cheap dual. I mocked him for quite a while when he indignantly refused to concede that Global Ruin, unlike Primal Order, does ruin games, especially when there's someone playing a mono-colored general (that would be me in this particular game).

Chris Taylor

No, I'm pretty sure it's the basics. I once played a game where one player landed a Primal Order, after which another player started whining incessantly how unfair that fucking card was. Mind you, this was a player with duals and shocklands, and he had Global Ruin in hand when Primal Order hit the table off of 2 basic Forests a basic Swamp and a cheap dual. I mocked him for quite a while when he indignantly refused to concede that Global Ruin, unlike Primal Order, does ruin games, especially when there's someone playing a mono-colored general (that would be me in this particular game).

Then again one of my drafters tilted the fuck out once and told me silverblade paladin was the most broken card in my cube and needed to be removed.