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i dont get you, you talk a lot about liking magic about being incremental advantage and not liking walkers and then you've just made 2 posts about infinite combos in the past bit which is like the polar opposite of incremental advantage

Sorry. I was just trying to be supportive and offer ideas to the discussion.

I don't mind supporting some combos if they aren't super easy to assemble (I think the only one I have right now is Kiki/Pestermite but I had Palinchron in my cube before and it didn't get arrested by the fun police). Just because I like incremental advantage doesn't mean other people in my group don't enjoy other aspects of the game. I'm open to supporting that. My goal isn't to make an entirely self indulgent cube that only I want to play. I really want to just limit some of the stuff that I think makes things un-fun and/or too easily degenerates the game.

The other thing too is that you really can't know how something will play out until you test it and see what your group does with it. Sometimes you add something and you wonder if it is broken and then no one even plays it so the whole thing is moot. You never really know.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
slavish devotion to the one-liner has killed american humor. whatever happened to characters? most of us are too lonely to appreciate them and I BLAME THE INTERNET

Oh man, if you're going to boil Rick and Morty down to one-liners....

I think American comedy has its heart in the right place. At least, it has the best stand-up comedians in the world, in my very pro-American bias.


Oh man, if you're going to boil Rick and Morty down to one-liners....

I think American comedy has its heart in the right place. At least, it has the best stand-up comedians in the world, in my very pro-American bias.

yeah but where is its head? as far as series go there's nothing in american comedy as remotely close to as good as

brass eye / the day today
knowing me knowing you
i'm alan partridge
the thick of it
nathan barley
the IT crowd
extras (not even that great)
the british office (not even that great)



you take that back motherfucker

gervais : coogan :: stewart : colbert. he is good but he is not that good

and if you thought stephen fry's public persona is annoying, which it is, gervais's facebook feed is fucking insufferable


because i hate myself

(real answer: i didn't know but then i killed it. would that we were all lucky enough to never be disappointed)

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I was brought up on classic british humor and I still think that's the best. Blackadder, Monty Python, Faulty Towers, Peter Cook & Dudley Moore. So these days I think stuff like Mitchell & Webb is fantastic.
There's an obvious difference between british humor and american humor. I don't think either is better than the other, but for what it is worth I liked Zombieland a little more than Shawn of the Dead.

Before you call me a bastard for that comment, I will also say The World's End was the best comedy film I've seen in the last few years.

Okay, now rail me for my lack of good tastes or the ability to stay in the know about what is and isn't quality entertainment.


Curb and Arrested Development have characters and approach British comedy in quality


ok upon further reflection Lebowski and A Confederacy of Dunces and Portnoy's Complaint are all quintessentially American character comedies that are fucking masterpieces, so maybe it's just the current crop of writers that suck or the terrible taste of Americans that makes them suck

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
There's an obvious difference between british humor and american humor. I don't think either is better than the other, but for what it is worth I liked Zombieland a little more than Shawn of the Dead.

Before you call me a bastard for that comment, I will also say The World's End was the best comedy film I've seen in the last few years..

Actually I never really saw what was so special about Shawn of the Dead or Hot Fuzz. I think this discussion is making me less racist in my opinions about comedy. Let's be fair, there's been amazing stuff made on both sides of the ocean. Futurama for one is absolutely stellar, Black Books is good, M*A*S*H is classic, anything with Leslie Nielsen is classic too.
ok upon further reflection Lebowski and A Confederacy of Dunces and Portnoy's Complaint are all quintessentially American character comedies that are fucking masterpieces, so maybe it's just the current crop of writers that suck or the terrible taste of Americans that makes them suck

I must read Portnoy's Complain.

What I do not like about Arrested Development is that all the humor springs from the characters being completely unrealistically absurd. Whenever I see it there's totally weird shit going down that just does not happen in real life, and the joke seems to be "look how absurd this is". Well obviously it's absurd, that's just an absurd situation that you pulled out of your ass. But I have not seen enough to have a real opinion or argument, because clearly you can say the same thing about a lot of Monty Python.


As a Star Trek and Groening fan in general I strongly dislike Futurama. I am however real-life version of Bender
humor is one of the most subjective things out there

i like aqua teen hunger force? i guess. im sure that someone here will dislike that
Aqua Teen Hunger Force can be really hilarious. It's very hit-or-miss however.

It's true that both countries can produce solid comedy. I have enjoyed almost everything mentioned above, though I will admit that I have a bit less experience with English comedy. Hot Fuzz is fucking fantastic.

I've most recently finished Eastbound and Down, which I really enjoyed. Somewhat comparable to Trailer Park Boys, in a good way. Speaking of which, we ought to give the Canadians some due credit here.

I have to plug my favorite movie of all time: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
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