Card/Deck re: o: {T}: creatures that tap (themeless theme)

The biggest contributor to this theme, and the biggest reason I'm looking for more creatures that fit it, is Jeskai Ascendancy. The ability to fire off a Grim Lavamancer more than once a turn (or, god forbid, mother of runes) is just great. Love it to bits. Bleeding the theme into RUG, we have powerful midrange enablers in Ral Zarek and Kiora, Master of the Depths. This gives us a wRUg theatre that's interested in creatures that tap to do things.

The first, and most obvious place to look, is pingers. Lavamancer is only the most impressive of his breed; your Prodigal Sorcerers and Vithian Stinger(1) are much stronger when they can kill x/2s or multiple tokens a turn.

The second place to look is elves. Deathrite Shaman benefits the most from this theme, and helps bleed it into {B}, since that's the most powerful ability on the card when abused. Getting extra mana out of any creature is good; it's a shame more of them aren't in RU though.

The next branch is growing creatures. Hangarback Walker and Steel Overseer are all-stars, but there's a place for Outlast creatures too, as well as all-stars like White Mike.

Then there are creatures with other, more spell-like effects. The various assassins printed in Magic history are a great source of support for this mechanic in {B}. Rebels are another great option, albeit not for my cube. Diaochan, the Artful Beauty is probably going too deep, although if you can give her Indestructible in a control build she's pretty fearsome. Token creators might be another fun option to take this, as might Battlemages.

So, some options:

And yet, I still feel like I'm missing something that would make this more fun, and the interactions more obvious to my drafters. Help me out with some hidden gems!

(1): surprisingly potent in the Ascendancy deck because Unearth grants haste
A favourite of mine in the original Ravnica block draft was this combo:


I don't know if this is what you are looking for. The power level is not super high, for sure. It is super fun, though :D
The Ragworm could be a number of other cards with the same ability, like Horseshoe Crab.
I think there is a class of cards worth mentioning when it comes to this archetype: The ones with conditional untap abilities. (Example, Midnight guard). They can be very good at holding the archetype together and making things more consistent. I would also add That new thermo-Alchemist guy to the list of pingers as well, as his untap effect synergizes very well with ascendancy.

Stern Mentor can be a very good win condition in this sort of deck.

Stoke was really good in standard with with Jeskai Ascendancy. It gives you a loot, 4 damage, pumps, and untaps all of your creatures. The nice thing is that sometimes you aren't even spending any mana for this. Sometimes you can even net mana if you have mana producing creatures and some tokens hanging out.

Just once in my life...



Staff member

This seems like a cool potential combo. While not infinite with Stoke, it can be with Sigh's most vouched for card:

Speaking of buyback, maybe you are also after the most broken card in pauper cube to create some infinite shenanigans?

With all these tap effects you are trying to run to ascendency to be 'more value' is it finally the time to give this card a chance?

I don't know if you want infinite combos with token makers to be a thing in your cube is all. Could be a fun card with any of the T: draw card creatures.

May as well add some other cards that people haven't mentioned...
Best combo with Jeskai Ascendency:

Token Producers:


Also, since we are talking about tapping and untapping, I feel the need to mention this card.

Possible hate card? (also combos with Aphetto Alchemist):p
Bloom Tender.... That card is perfectly fine in it's own right, right? Like, it taps for a minimum of {G}, and can get absolutely insane from there. Huh. And of course absolutely ridiculous with Jeskai Ascendancy. If you figure out the 4 color mana base properly during deckbuilding, that would open up both that and

And even without any "Combos", it still makes every spell cost {G}{R}{W}{U} less, which seems absolutely ridiculous. This is the kinda combos I can get behind! Probably only see it once every year, but woo boy.

Also +1 to my main man Mystic Spec. Makes every loot with the Ascendancy even better!
Bloom Tender.... That card is perfectly fine in it's own right, right? Like, it taps for a minimum of {G}, and can get absolutely insane from there. Huh. And of course absolutely ridiculous with Jeskai Ascendancy. If you figure out the 4 color mana base properly during deckbuilding, that would open up both that and

And even without any "Combos", it still makes every spell cost {G}{R}{W}{U} less, which seems absolutely ridiculous. This is the kinda combos I can get behind! Probably only see it once every year, but woo boy.

Also +1 to my main man Mystic Spec. Makes every loot with the Ascendancy even better!

I think at worst Bloom Tender is a Leaf Gilder and the reasonable upper bound is making 3 mana which is mostly fine I think. I really like grillo's suggestion of Quirion Ranger and Scryb Ranger. I really like those cards and like finding ways to help them generate obscene amounts of mana.

Interestingly you can get Bloom Tender to make 3 mana using only green by playing Deathrite Shaman and Kitchen Finks (yay Shadowmoor).

So much inspiration. I think my new dream is to assemble

So I can dig for

You can also dig for storm cards if you're sadistic enough too.


Staff member
Bloom Tender / Speculation is the secret tech I was looking for. Perfect.

This is what I was thinking too when I posted it. Both are decent enough cards by their own right and make for a sweet combo together.

So then I decided to check out how much Bloom Tender was and $18? Geez, I thought it was only $5-ish. :(


Ecstatic Orb
This is what I was thinking too when I posted it. Both are decent enough cards by their own right and make for a sweet combo together.

So then I decided to check out how much Bloom Tender was and $18? Geez, I thought it was only $5-ish. :(

That thing needs to be in one of the commander decks this fall.
I would love to join Team Proxy, but I'm never really sure what venue is the most reputable for the endeavor, or what method most suitable. I would certainly be interested to learn what's in vogue these days... though I think such discussion is legally sketchy on an open forum, right? Alas!


This is what I was thinking too when I posted it. Both are decent enough cards by their own right and make for a sweet combo together.

So then I decided to check out how much Bloom Tender was and $18? Geez, I thought it was only $5-ish. :(

You failed to consider the massive commercial success of Eventide under Pro Tour emeritus commentator Randy Buehler. The world is so much poorer for our loss

Here's a couple weird omissions
