I know that scourge wolf isn't a zombie because of "Innistrad Racial Color Identity" reasons, but that would have basically made the card perfect.
Same, sameLife from the Loam, fetchlands, discard/loot, Crucible of Worlds, Wildfire, Ramp decks oddly enough, generally good in the Rock, Sylvan Safekeeper, I can't even deal with or count the synergies. This frog is so in my cube. I also want a hypnotoad alter.
I know that scourge wolf isn't a zombie because of "Innistrad Racial Color Identity" reasons, but that would have basically made the card perfect.
Mega-frog doesn't have trample so it can be chumped. And deathtouch on something this big is flavor text. What can block a 6/6 and live?
The mechanic though is really interesting. Helps delve. Helps landfall. It's a draw engine. It combos. I don't know, I really think it's a cool card. Not sure I have a place to put this, but I might try and find one.
Red is pretty decent at removing beefy 5+drops that don't gain life or stomp down aggro. You just remove the opponent.![]()
Not much, as far as I'm concerned.What am I missing?
That's a hell of a draw spell...
Tell me this isn't EDH fodder please!
I think Regrowth might be just better than this in most cases?
I love this cycle. Already working Seal of Doom into my cube, and there's arguments for seal of fire. Of course, there's the other cool trinket cycle:Seal of: cleansing, doom, fire, primordium, removal, strength![]()