Just drafted this on CC (*insert obligatory bot hate here*) and I feel like this is both a perfect example of the careful color management I'm aiming for in decks, and also a good chance to reflect on the density of some effects.
This deck started as a Feldon deck, and quickly moved into GR when I saw the great target of
Titanoth Rex come up. I speculated on
Seismic Assault a few picks later and was quickly rewarded with a
life from the loam. At this point I'm split on deck plan, with a Feldon wanting a reanimation theme, and an assault package wanting a lands-grind theme.
The Gitrog Monster was the epiphany moment, as it really melds the two together beautifully. A big beater that can benefit from being recurred, that also works wonders with a lands theme. I picked up a couple reanimation spells as redundancy on that theme, and a living twister offered itself up as consistency for the lands side of things. This is close to a perfect example of how I want colors to be treated in my drafts. The black inclusion is very carefully thought out to provide an important service to the deck, which is in this case providing redundancy to the reanimation theme while melding it to the lands theme well.
In play I might switch out the
Dread Return with a
Persist I left in the sideboard if the dread return is a little too greedy on mana, even if Persist cuts me off from some of the targets I want to reanimate.
Finale of Devastation could still come in later game and recur a legend from the grave if needed.
The big thing I'm noticing though, and I've noticed before, is... I think I actually have
too much support directly in the "lands" theme. Like cards that directly care about discarding lands.

Borborygmos Enraged probably doesn't really count. It's more in the list as a really creative reanimation target, but besides that, that is quite the redundancy. And this is besides all the other ways that lands can already be discarded or otherwise interacted with that don't directly say "discard a land card" like
faithless looting,
Dismissive Pyromancer,
Noose Constrictor (which is in the above deck!) etc.
So I'm currently thinking that 2, maybe just 1, but right now I'm thinking 2 of these can be cuts. Maybe one cut to something that is still relevant but not "discard a land" relevant. One top of my meh list are

Tectonic Reformation just plays a little awkwardly for me. Maybe it would be a good idea to move an effect like it into blue with
Trade Routes, as inscho has included. But I think this sort of effect in general plays a little awkwardly. I also offer free cycling lands in the BLB, so it's value can get a bit diminished by just including a couple of those cyclers in the mana without any draft space taken.
Ayula's Influence I really want to like, but so far haven't seen it do as much as I would want it to do. I think something like a slightly more mana efficient
savage conception is more what I'm looking for. Now that I think on it, I highly doubt that any of my drafters would even notice if I made a custom version that is

for a 4/4.... like who plays savage conception lol.
Worm Harvest has been in and out of my list over the years. I just... I don't know if it's ever good enough, or if it kinda runs away with the game without really needing the retrace ability more than once or twice. No real exciting in between.
I'm currently unsure exactly what I would swap in... A second
dismissive pyromancer? I really do like that effect... I do like the idea of a custom SC... thoughts?