Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

The only thing I'll say on the black creature clause is that the most abusable effects are attached to bodies (and by abusable I mean most easily reused). And the best of those all have the clause. Nekrataal, Bone shredder, and Shriekmaw. So I think it's relevant from the standpoint of considering how resilient a creature is to removal, regardless of whether you intentionally try and push that mechanic or not. It's already there in most cubes.
Collected Company would be a sweet play in your cube following a Congregation at Dawn. I'll take combos for $1000 Alex.

Plays nice with any kind of top of library manipulation. Any of the 1 mana tutors, Sylvan Library, top, etc.

Now to play devil's advocate. Best case scenario, it's 4 mana for 2 3 drops - good value for sure (especially at instant speed). But you either have to get super lucky or set that play up with other cards. Is that worth a slot in your cube? More importantly, the 4 CC slot in your green section (which I think is stacked)? For me, the answer is a resounding no. And cards like this are usually attractive to me.


Ecstatic Orb
I don't think I want to overload on tutors, and there are simply better / more interesting ones out there imho (for cube at least). I don't even have room for all of these:

It's not the absolute worst in a really low power setting. I'd be tempted to Sharpie thru the "if white" text if I ever wanted to test it.
There's good reason modern storm loves Ravings but never touches Think Twice, and some of that reasoning even applies to cube (delve, reanimate, flashback, dredge).

It being two colors is basically a deal breaker though.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
There's good reason modern storm loves Ravings but never touches Think Twice, and some of that reasoning even applies to cube (delve, reanimate, flashback, dredge).

It being two colors is basically a deal breaker though.
Even in my list that has more graveyard shenanigans going than the average cube, Ravings never did what you wanted. Reanimator? Whoops, sorry, discarded your Makeshift Mannequin instead of your Woodfall Primus. There are plenty of reliable ways to loot, and plenty of other good ways to draw; Ravings is an awkward hybrid that doesn't do either well.

I've come around to Jason's original suggestion for a utility Izzet spell, that even loots in a pinch

Izz Charm is definitely better, though I'd like to see the mono blue version of Ravings to compare to Think Twice (which hasn't been impressive for me in a long time).

That black 4... How big does it have to be to make up for the fact that it's basically vanilla? I guess it'll do a decent impression of Ghoultree, but who actually plays that?
Even in my list that has more graveyard shenanigans going than the average cube, Ravings never did what you wanted. Reanimator? Whoops, sorry, discarded your Makeshift Mannequin instead of your Woodfall Primus. There are plenty of reliable ways to loot, and plenty of other good ways to draw; Ravings is an awkward hybrid that doesn't do either well.

I've come around to Jason's original suggestion for a utility Izzet spell, that even loots in a pinch

did you cube ravings when delve and prowess were the new big thing
I figured the "any card" + mill effect would be more useful than those. I had considered Mortivore (the rest kind of bore me except for Nighthowler, which is cute, at least), but the "creature" clause and double-black scared me off. Is the Regenerate effect, creature-counting clause, and double black cost worth a 4-drop slot? Currently, I try to keep about 70% of my cube CMC less than three, so 4+ drops are hard to pick.