Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

I've been lurking in Grillo's painland cube thread for a bit and it got me thinking about
...Which is a card I love, especially in Commander where it's troll level maximum. Is this thing any good in an unpowered-but-mostly-traditional cube setting?

If you want some fun troll jank that punishes people using lands (and everything else), Mesmeric Orb has been a lot of fun over here at turning the game into a zany race whereas Manabarbs is just kind of miserable any time I've seen it or played it, personally. I like land destruction more than this, a lot, but I imagine that's probably because I personally really dislike how red is so often turned into 50 Shades of Shock and this card doesn't add any real depth to that environment imho. I'd rather my opponent just splash white and cast Armageddon over Manabarbs tbh

Dom Harvey


Anyone like these? It's nice to have good (but not too good) finishers that all colours have access to, and they create interesting subgames and go well with madness or w/e
I like all the masticores. Razormane and molten-tail are my favorites as well. Old school masticore requires a lot of mana and is more control oriented. Still solid though.
I LOVE Molten Tail Masticore is my baby and I'll run it in literally any cube I build as it just does the right amount of everything a flexible artifact 4 drop should do. I don't care for Razormane Masticore because Soul of Shandalar just does it more fairly, and better. I also kinda don't like first strike on big dudes that have removal abilities attached to them.

EDIT(but not really): I just noticed Razormane doesn't have Regenerate. Weird.

He's very interesting to me. A 1/4 Deathtouch can't just be traded with easily because of that big butt. It's either lose a creature to it or take (usually) 3+ damage. Gets nutty if you have Carrion Feeder and Gravecrawlers on the board. I'm a fan.

He's on my radar. Seems really good in a heavy gy style deck. But I'm not sure I like him better than other options. And is he too narrow?

Even without the life loss ability, a 1/4 deathtouch is going to be pretty annoying in many matchups. So could be just a good role-player in non gy centric decks, that potential turns into a must block threat later in the game.

It's certainly pretty unique and I like cards that are unique.
Yeah, I liked the fact that it's good in both the defensive black deck (that I think could do well with more support) as well as giving more fuel for graveyard shenanigans. Like, I would loove to play this in a Rock midrange deck with a bunch of mulch and satyr wayfinders. Chump or take 7?


Nighthowler seems somewhat comparable, which is definitely a playable card.

This guy starts with 4 toughness, so you can run him out early and actually be useful, attacking into 3 power dudes or effectively blocking almost anything without evasion. He also hits for 1 more. He doesn't have Nighthowler's crazy lategame potential, but if you are looking for a "real" 3 drop that scales pretty well and does work on defense, he seems good.

Also, human warrior is probably the best incidental synergy creature type in the game.


I think this set is going to have me rethinking a number of things. That card is really sweet as an early game blocker, but can also work as a source of perceived pressure in a more aggressive graveyard based build. Its really nice to see that game of hidden information being translated into higher power formats.
I'm also heavily in favor of Graveblade Marauder. I said something flippant about him in the ORI spoiler thread, but real talk, my drafters LOVE graveyard synergies.
I originally ran a peasant Cube with Grim Guardian as part of Abzan's enchantment/lifedrain theme (there was also a GB graveyard theme but this is not the venue), and I couldn't bring myself to cut him for a long time because I just loved having a 1/4 guy at the 3 spot in my less-aggressive black decks.
Fast forward a year or so, my Cube embraces all rarities, and I get my 1/4 back in Black with a truckload of improvements:
-Your deathtouchy blocker can WRECK FACE late in the game! (Or early in the game if you be millin' yo bad self)
-Human! Warrior! Human Warrior! (I run Mardu Woe-Reaper, Blood-Chin Rager, Champion of the Parish, and Xathrid Necromancer.)
-Check out that plaid (tartan?) belt! Stylin'!

Also, re: the Manabarbs discussion, something being trolly is a good thing in my books but I probably still won't run it. Thanks for the input though!


Ecstatic Orb
I dislike Graveblade Marauder. Ultimately he's just a big dumb beater with deathtouch. Pain in the but to deal with on both offense and defense. But maybe I'm being cynical here, I don't know.

Chris Taylor


From my MTG Origins post:

I'm actually kinda excited about this guy. You know how I like my boneyard wurms? being perfectly respectible with a single dead creature.
Really solid defensive body that is probably fine swining for 2, but scales into the lategame and acts as a reward card?

Every other graveyard incentive card has been narrow as hell, and this card is probably the self mill kitchen finks
He's somewhere between nighthowler etc. and ophiomancer, a very well-liked card in these parts. Non-embarrassing play at pretty much any point of a game.

I wish black had the self-mill power of green so it was less of a two-color deck all the time.

This did work for me. I want it to have a place but is it just to expensive or good enough for a control deck?

As someone who loves control, I think this only works in low-powered environs; if mine is an 8.5 out of 10, I'd say this works better in a 5.5. Otherwise, I would much prefer Citadel Siege. The fact that this can be a clock and a wall doesn't make it any easier to stomach at 6 mana when Siege is, at least in my environ, much less likely to be removed. I really wanted to try her but Soul of Theros was unplayable over here, and our consensus was, as rad as she is, she's likely too vulnerable for control. I do really like her though (and I actually love the lame flavour text), so if your environment isn't as fast and removal-heavy as mine, I'd probably try her. I just can't imagine when I'd want her over some other card in control in my own cube, unfortunately. :(