Chris Taylor
Game Ruining Bullshit
It feels like a CML thing to my memory.
Guys, I think we are a cycling, evoke or exploit set away from this but I feel like many if you nerds (especially those who love land death themes as much as I do) might be on the verge of revisiting this bad boy:
I'll remind you hard we go on GY and attrition based strategies, we want to mitigate the potency of efficient 1for1 trades and how we are excited to give red and green more access to disruption without making land destruction too back breaking.
Golly I love shriekmaw, mulldrifter and Gy combo decks. Like recursion is so much more satisfying in singletonish formats.
I think the consensus of those who did was that it was ultimately shy of being good enough. It's just too inefficient at four mana.
Hahaha, that was cheekymaybe at 1B?
why on earth would you cast a card selection spell before you know what you're looking for?
Guys, I think we are a cycling, evoke or exploit set away from this but I feel like many if you nerds (especially those who love land death themes as much as I do) might be on the verge of revisiting this bad boy:
I'll remind you hard we go on GY and attrition based strategies, we want to mitigate the potency of efficient 1for1 trades and how we are excited to give red and green more access to disruption without making land destruction too back breaking.
Golly I love shriekmaw, mulldrifter and Gy combo decks. Like recursion is so much more satisfying in singletonish formats.
I can't recall, did it see any play during Zendikar Standard?
I'm looking at bolstering white's enchantment count a bit for completely arbitrary reasons (I'm a creature of inexorable whims), and I stumbled across this ol' beauty. Blanks one removal spell of your choice for 2 mana, or turns your Wrath of God into a mean parody of Day of Reckoning - but is it actually any use? I'm having a hard time seeing this ever being a disappointing pick since removal is pretty generous over here, but I'm not sure if it's just too boring.