Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

Dom Harvey


Who still runs Wake, and how do you feel about it? I love the card, but as Cube becomes more ruthless and less forgiving you can rarely take a turn off to do something that doesn't affect the board. Does that change if the effect is moved to colour combinations with more removal and cheap interaction? I'm tempted to say that if you can spend 6 mana on Caged Sun you can instead just play something that ends the game by itself, but I don't think that has to be true.

On that note, how about Crypt Ghast?



sleeps all night and he works all day

Who still runs Wake, and how do you feel about it? I love the card, but as Cube becomes more ruthless and less forgiving you can rarely take a turn off to do something that doesn't affect the board. Does that change if the effect is moved to colour combinations with more removal and cheap interaction? I'm tempted to say that if you can spend 6 mana on Caged Sun you can instead just play something that ends the game by itself, but I don't think that has to be true.

On that note, how about Crypt Ghast?

looks like poope ot me
In many cubes, what are you needing ramp for once you hit 5 (or 6!) mana?

This was always my issue with wake. Unless you are making an Eldrazi deck or something, it comes down too late to be all that useful unless you have a draw engine going and can just keep dropping multiple cards a turn. It's certainly a very powerful card and I've seen it do some nasty stuff, but it feels like win more a lot of times.

lots of wacky stuff you can do with this but there are tons of good 4s

I just ordered a copy of this card. It's wirewood symbiote #2 in the elf deck, and the shenanigans it will invoke in the various ETB decks is mind boggling (Shriekmaw/Mulldrifter machine gun? Yes please).

Plus, I value indestructible pretty highly as I probably run fewer exile effects than most (only one copy of O-ring, Fiend Hunter, no detention sphere, and I don't run either StP or Path to Exile). So yeah, I'm pretty excited to test this thing out.
It may disappoint, so I'm trying to not get overly excited. The 3 toughness is sort of a liability, especially the turn you play it (where you may not have the 1G to make it indestructible). But that is an engine card if I've ever seen one.
I've been running it since FRF release - it has been pretty good. The GG and 4CMC reign in the potential considerably, but as you guys mentioned, it has a lot of ways to be effective. From a power level for my cube, it feels just right. If it were 3cmc, it would be broken. 5cmc would be too bad to run. 4 feels just right.

Dom Harvey

It's a rare example of a good defensive 2-drop in red, it's a solid blocker in control that can turn the corner and pressure them, it's fine in red aggro as a way to avoid damage-based sweepers and trade with larger creatures, it supports devotion well if you run that, and it promotes interesting decisions on both sides about how to use your mana.


youll have to remind me! however. i have hooked up with a girl based on the recommendation (however tepid) of someone on this forum.


isnt "crap or gbs" its own special category full of the cards all of us hate the most? with so many blink effects now (and more printed in each set!) i'd rather keep the closet in the closet
I'm sorry but I can't figure it out

What, specifically, does grbs/gbs mean? Garbage? Gamma-ray bursts? Ghost baby shit? I think it means "bad" but I'd like to know specifically
game-ruining bullshit, but I spent quite a while thinking it meant 'good rare, bad slot' (i.e. a card for Constructed, not limited)