Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

Just run some proliferate cards. Not as "combo", but much more useful overall.

Volt Charge has been super solid since I added it. It's a decent removal spell on it's own, and with a target (or two) it's wonderfully synergistic. It feels really great playing this and making my Stormblood Berserker a 4/4 at the same time. I wouldn't run it without a +1/+1 counter theme I don't think, but then again I do not run walkers so I have very few worthwhile targets outside the aforementioned theme. Anyone with a walker heavy meta is going to get a lot of mileage out of volt charge I would imagine.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
maybe if you have ways to tap your own guy?

seems a bit janky/slow for the power level most people are at though

in theory this seems really neat with planeswalkers, charge counters, whatever. is that wishful thinking?

I can't imagine how that can swing in and live, and it's so much mana. Run Contagion Clasp if you want a durdly proliferate effect; it costs more, but since it also does some removal work early on, I find my controlling decks are always happy to run it and proliferate in the mid-game once they've gotten an edge. And I second the Volt Charge recommendation as well; I've been thinking of doubling up it's so handy.


Ecstatic Orb
Yeah, when a card always ends up 15th pick, and never sees play, it fullfills no purpose in your cube. Keeping it in just because you "need" a second {G/U} hybrid isn't doing anyone a favor. I would just add an interesting G/U gold card in its spot.


Activation cost is just too damn high and it relies on having something else that generates value to be anything other then a really expensive vigilance+shroud provider. On top of that getting killed by everything (including collateral damage from wipes/dividable burn) means that even costing {U} isn't enough of a saving grace.

Disclaimer: didn't actually try it.
Omg I thoughts drunken post about intrinsic delayed card advantage + selection was more interesting than to be immediately usurped by consistent blink abuse critters fuk, maybe I gotta stop posting at bars.

Playing the noob cube has really made me question my convictions about untapped fixing, but honestly, I'd rather fixing be largely a in draft penalty than something like a two turn mulligan the way it generally turns out with loose tapped fixing

Jeeze I like green and red disruption as much as the next guy but I'm thinking a lot of bounce lands and temples these days jeeze.
I've been lurking in Grillo's painland cube thread for a bit and it got me thinking about

...Which is a card I love, especially in Commander where it's troll level maximum. Is this thing any good in an unpowered-but-mostly-traditional cube setting?


Manabarbs has been a legit card in constructed in the past, it could probably do damage in cubes with higher mana curves.

That is, if Sphinx of the Steel Wind is a three drop in your environment, manabarbs is useless, but if decks routinely tap 5 lands to drop Cloudgoat Ranger to stabilize its probably is pretty good. It could probably do some work in my no mana rock environment, but it is sort of a sideboard card so I don't know if I want it.