Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

How do I make this card worth playing? Rebuying a fetch or two really isn't something I think is something someone in my cube should spend two mana for.

Wastelands, a reanimator package, delve cards, and pretty much any way to create extra value out of the graveyard. You're not really looking for explicit value off just the Loam; you want it to help create value elsewhere via dredge and find ways to take advantage of that. Figuring out ways to extend your hand and available plays into the graveyard is pretty fun. I still haven't added my copy of Loam to my list (laziness), but it'll be in there soon enough. I like having the following cards to help build up reanimator themes. I've just added a few of these recently so I'm not sure how good they would be, but I'll let you guys know if anything really shines in testing. I'm just going to list out every card that might be okay in a Loam deck currently in my cube:



Staff member

To be fair above, Loam doesn't seem like an amazing card until you've seen it run away with a few games.

It is a fair enough card. What makes or breaks the card is the first ability as it has been returning this menace in standard:

Though it has been returning these cards as well to decent success:

I'd run it over Sphinx's Revelation just to see how it goes. It can sort of fit in the same deck but also lends itself more to those UW 'velocity' decks. Counter your Thragtusk return Phantasmal Image seems like a sweet play.

If you don't have a decent amount (not sure what the number is) of <2 CMC creatures in UW then it isn't worth it. IMO.

Thoughts? I've been seriously back-and-forth on this; I love pushing recursive decks/sac outlets a lot, but this teeters between "hella dope" and "hella rude" for me, and I just can't decide.

Jason Waddell

Staff member

Thoughts? I've been seriously back-and-forth on this; I love pushing recursive decks/sac outlets a lot, but this teeters between "hella dope" and "hella rude" for me, and I just can't decide.

Just run it and see how you feel. When I ran it, it was a bit too narrow / underpowered for a 5 drop, but it never felt bad when you lost to it.



Thoughts? I've been seriously back-and-forth on this; I love pushing recursive decks/sac outlets a lot, but this teeters between "hella dope" and "hella rude" for me, and I just can't decide.

donald sutherland saying "it's a piece of shit"

Jason Waddell

Staff member
The main problem is that there's a very narrow slice of games where playing a five-drop creature wouldn't win, but playing Eldrazi Monument would win. BUT, there is a much larger slice of games where playing a creature would win but Monument would lose.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
It was actually pretty insane over here; it's hard to lose a creature battle once you have this out, and it breaks close games wide open. It's the Overrun that green always wished it had.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
"... another target Warrior creature..." is so restrictive.

My Warrior count is on the high end of things, because I am trying out silly stuff like Ogre Battledriver and double Seeker of the Way at the moment, but it is still only 15, spread over 4 colours.

I agree, but there was a time when people just wanted a 2/2 double striker with no other text to replace Mirran Crusader.

Imagine the cute little Bloodsoaked Champions pretending to do big boy damage.
I tried Foremost; the problem it had over here was it was kinda poisonous. Either you didn't care and passed it, or you had Warriors you wanted to maximize, and you picked it. I think it LOOKS good, but the {W}{W} kept it from ever seeing play here outside of decks with a handful of warriors. Even there, it was never really that great. YMMV
It really feels a bit like a tribal trap. A vanilla 2/2 doublestriker would probably feel more attractive because then you atleast don't feel like you're "missing out" on potential value / fun stuff.
Trap card, not as good as advertised b/c you feel like you have to pick every warrior that comes your way afterwards. It's not all that great. I think Fabled Hero is the best 1WW double-strike variant that we've had thus far.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Trap card, not as good as advertised b/c you feel like you have to pick every warrior that comes your way afterwards. It's not all that great. I think Fabled Hero is the best 1WW double-strike variant that we've had thus far.

I think I've triggered Fabled Hero like twice ever. It has a cool dream to live, but, eh. So you guys don't like other guy as a vanilla 2/2 with occasional incidental bonuses. Fair enough. Cede to your wisdom.
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Hey, getting occasional value out of a rancor or shelter is not the same as a tribal incentive. Fabled Hero gets additional value out of buffing cards an aggressive deck could be interested in anyway. Tribal gives weird signals that are much more restrictive. Hero feels like a challenge but foremost imho gives the vibes of locking you out of the fun unless you commit.
Fabled Hero picks up Bonesplitter about as often as he picks up +1/+1 counters here, but there was one instance of Hero + Reckless Charge + Angelic Destiny for the OTK...

I think they are pretty similar. If you are just doing normal double-strike things, Hero feels (and is) more rewarding. It's pretty hard to see the ability on Foremost and not feel bad if you can't trigger it, even if all of your pumps are equipment/Wolf Run/Ajani type things that wouldn't trigger Heroic to begin with. It's not a reason to NOT run Foremost if you wanted a(nother?) 1WW double-striker, but it can take a lot of time to change opinions from first impressions.