Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

That enchantment would be awesome at, like, 3 mana. You could elf into it T2 or drop like Experiment One, Strangleroot Geist, Gutter Grime and say "fight me bro."
At 5, it's so, so slow.
Also, great with proliferate! At a lower cost.
You all surely can't be serious - Gutter Grime is combo magic.

Turn 1: Swamp, Carrion Feeder
Turn 2: Forest, Melira, Sylvok Outcast
Turn 3: Forest, Kitchen Finks
Turn 4: Swamp, Instill Infection on one of your own guys, because with Melira out there's just no downside! Draw a card! Value!
Turn 5: Riptide Laboratory, Gutter Grime, sac Kitchen Finks repeatedly to Carrion Feeder and make infinite Oozes. Run round the house gathering objects of different sizes to represent tokens of size 1/1 up to ∞/∞. This part may take a while.
Turn 6: Your opponent probably left by now, but that's because You Won The Game!
This guy knows comedy.
But yes, the deathrattle synergy is a good point in favor of Gutter Grime—still not enough to outweigh it costing as much mana as mother-fricking Swagbucks, but it's a good point.
I fully expect to have to play it out step by step - if my opponent is suspicious of Saproling Burst levels of math (and let's face it, who isn't?) there's no way I'm going to get to skip to the end result without showing my working. You present someone with a recurrence relation linking combo iterations, life and creatures in play and ask them to confirm your calculation independently, they look at you like you dug up the corpse of their first ever math teacher and used it as a puppet. So tokens it is!

Jason Waddell

Staff member

How baller is this card in a Pod deck?

Chris Taylor

Clearly not an old school player!

I've been playing since Odyssey thank you very much, which I think counts as oldschool. Burst was in my first cube.
It's not even how many tokens do I make, it's also how does my opponent interact with those tokens and how long will they be alive and swinging before my opponent can block them easily (which can lead to either making more or making less)
Burst makes me angry


How baller is this card in a Pod deck?

IMHO: Worryingly good
Hmm... this was the card people suggested to replace that 3-mana black wrath. How reliably is it a 2-for-1?

I... think it plays much better than it reads. I've honestly never been able to pick the card so I don't have any anecdotes, but morbid isn't the roughest trigger for an instant. You know that feeling when you curve perfectly into a fully-delved murderous cut? This is double fully-delved murderous cut. Or something.


Ecstatic Orb
It's really hit or miss. The double black can be annoying to leave open, and if you meet an opponent playing black critters you get to cry a little inside. When it works though it's insane value. So yeah, way too high variance. Cards that are either ridiculous or useless with not much middle ground aren't much fun imho.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I mean, it is double black. And they need two non-black targets. After something has already died this turn. There are some criteria to meet.


Ecstatic Orb
I mean, it is double black. And they need two non-black targets. After something has already died this turn. There are some criteria to meet.

Like I said, it's high variance. When it works it feels unfair to the player on the other side of this, when it doesn't you wish it was a useful spell instead.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Non-black has always seemed like the least restrictive condition for all of the black kill spells, by virtue of the fact that you're running black yourself and are likely to have drafted a number of black creatures, thereby reducing the total number of non-viable targets available to the rest of the playgroup.

That is to say, Doom Blade is a fair bit better in cube than either Ultimate Price or Soul Reap, even if the latter were instant speed.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I like Ultimate Price over Doom Blade. I've had Doom Blade be dead in hand so many times (facing an ever growing Carrion Feeder), but every deck will have targets that give you value for your Ultimate Price.