Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight


But where is the strategic depth in that? We need additional incentive to play more dudes in our decks (in an environment that is already creature dominated)?

This card strikes me as one that looks all synergistic but in reality it's just a power card that is good all the time.

try it, you'll like it!

Jason Waddell

Staff member
This card strikes me as one that looks all synergistic but in reality it's just a power card that is good all the time.

I imagine this is also true. I mean, sure, one could conceivably have some graveyard stuff to amplify it.

My main question, and this will be seen in action, is whether there is good play and counter-play with the card. One of white aggro's big downfalls is that it lacks reach and lacks card advantage, so maybe this helps to alleviate that to some extent.

Personally I am always wary of things that clock the board, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
I've played Hallowed Spiritkeeper in a few decks, and it might be best in a more midrange/control deck that stalls and then either builds an army of flyers off this card or just uses it to stall long enough to get to 6+ land.

Here's a sequence that happened and it felt very oppressive to the aggressive deck that lost to it.
T1: Doomed Traveler
T2: Black Cat
t3: Hallowed Spiritkeeper
t4: Wrath of God

I realize that was a Magical Christmas land scenario, but even without the wrath, that's just a lot of blocking with large helpings of virtual card advantage and there isn't a whole lot the other guy can do to mitigate it outside exile effects. Even sequencing your removal is pretty ineffective. That's not to say you can't build decks that easily get around that (evasion, etc.), but it's just all to easy to get tons of value off of spiritkeeper. Running it in green with Fauna Shaman, Satyr Wayfinder, etc is just dirty. Graveyard anything plus this card really.

I don't think it's horribly oppressive in higher powered formats. Your cube Jason can probably run this and not blink an eye. So definitely try it out and see if you find it too easy to abuse or not. I think I'm just in a negative place today because I've defending the card in the past truth be told. And that other forum we don't talk about has guys cutting it already at 360, so this card isn't Brimaz.
IMO, no. It always generates value regardless of the deck you put it in or the deck you play against, and there's no catch really. And what exactly is it encouraging other than just playing dudes and overextending into wraths because why not?

Cards like this are kind of stupid. Oh, and the art sucks too. Lot's of reasons to not run this and be happy about that decision.

Boo! I'm actually putting it just because it is really good alone but allows you to do cute stuff like unearth and really explode. I'd compare it to kitchen finks as an arguably broken card that still tickles you're brain while drafting with promises about janky interactions that actually propels you forward and doesn't just put you way behind someone one the synergyless good stuff plan.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I just don't think Hangarback Walker creates very interesting games of Magic, and this is a similar card (dies to create 1/1 flyers). Not sure which card is more annoying.
I just don't think Hangarback Walker creates very interesting games of Magic, and this is a similar card (dies to create 1/1 flyers). Not sure which card is more annoying.
I'm going to argue Hangarback is more annoying: a bear for 4 mana that incentivises you to not attack is not much of an aggro card without other synergies, it's mostly just a way to gum up the board. Hallowed Spiritkeeper at least slots into an aggro deck without looking dumb.

Chris Taylor

This card has been hovering on the sidelines of my cube for a while now. Is it GRBS with double strike?

Almost certainly. I mean most of us don't run twin combo because it's a bit much to demand your drafters keep up instant speed removal all the time, and this is basically the same demand, but in an aggro deck that is actually killing you anyways
You are then open to blowouts, though. I think swingy combat tricks like this is a good way of giving reach and creating tension while being beatable for any opponent. Become Immense requires some setup cost (some cards in graveyard, or a lot of mana).


I run it in a low power environment with double strike guys, and its fine as well as a lot of fun. Its about the safest combo you can run in a cube thats still good.

The difference between this and splinter twin, is that you have to actually connect with a non-evasive creature.
Become Immense is da best pump NA. It's a pump spell you see in a pack and think "SHOOT that is a big pump, i wonder how many people i can kill with that tonight?"
Then you pick it, and you IMMENSIFY your prophetic flamespeaker in game one, then in game two they doom blade in response to the pump, and you both feel cool for a game.
tldr: if you run no other pump run become immense.

That nissas card looks great for my dargon cube but i think most riptide cubes dont need any more lands once they can cast it. Cool effect though. Dream scenarios include secure the wastes, cyclonic rift, profane command, fireball, and the great aurora, all fun cards to play anyway.
Edit: nissas is also pretty cute with landfall stuff since 3 triggers in a single turn is approaching finite combo range. With the 5-drop pseudo-landfall enchant in play, you get 6 power of bods for your ramp spell.
I've been looking for izzet spells that aren't burn + draw. Chimera has a good prospect: Runechanter's Pike has been great here, a 1/3 flying for 3 isn't embarassing, 2/3 is decent, 5/3 is good enough to drive people into spells matter. I like it.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
It works for me. Chimera is good, runechanters pike has been disappointing. My UR decks are low curve, bounce and burn. You get your Stromkirk Nobles through, make lots of elemental tokens. It's a tempo deck and it's awesome.
The thing you gotta watch for on chimera is that you dont have a ton of ways to get rid of it for 1 mana. For example in powermax cubes chimera sux cuz it represents such a huge tempo-loss risk.
However if youve cut path/swords, and if most of your removal is 2-3 mana, he's great because his investment is so much more likely to pay off at least somewhat. I'm ALMOST in a good spot to run him myself, but for now kozi's channeler is in his spot.