Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

Dom Harvey

yeah, you're never thrilled to open/get passed Call of the Herd but it does a decent job. I like having a Prowess-y threat in green and it always gives you something to do. There's a lot of competition though.
Here's what I'm running instead of Call to make it feel a little less boring (I used to achieve the same result by running the promo art, which looks amazing in person). Good card is good, role-player, but I wanted it at 2/3 instead of 3/4 because green decks won't always have the t1 dork.

Lulu's design:

Played instant version without "scry" for a little while, was nutty good, got complaints. Probably OK at sorcery I guess? Was much cooler when it supported ug flash and was better prowess support. Maybe I'll try it at instant with costs of 2/5 or something
Overwhelming Stampede vs Overrun? I currently run Stampede and it can be a huge blowout in most decks that it is used in and I feel it's stronger than Overrun but most cubes run Overrun instead. If my cube is less token oriented in Selesnya colors, why would I run Overun instead?
You forgot this:

Beast Attack would've been such a nice card at 2GG casting cost, everything else equal.

In an unexpectedly similar comment about a completely different thing, I favor Overwhelming Stampede to Overrun because it's 1. harder to setup; 2. double G, not triple.
I don't like it personally. Too vulnerable and a 4/4 flyer is really not as good as it used to be (see Serra Angel).

I recommend Duplicant if you aren't playing it. Nifty card that has some play to it. Steel Hellkite is decent as well. If you untap with it, things get out of hand pretty quickly but not to the point where the game is just over (like with the Battlesphere).

Hellkite in particular was never good enough as a tinker target because of the 2 for 1, and it was borderline with a lot of artifact removal, so YMMV depending on what your removal suite looks like. It's a cool card though.
I highly recommend Aether Searcher, but don't go multiples with it, the ability works in multiples and it's pretty busted at times :D