Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

Does it need to be an enchantment? You might already be running this, but there's Psionic Blast. Which is 10 times better than both of those options. As long as you are OK with the clear color pie infraction of course.

This is sort of like the green removal problem. I totally get wanting to have each color sort of stand on it's own and have removal, etc. But it's a fine line because some of the options are pretty subpar and you can ultimately be in a situation where you are just running bad cards in your cube to try and meet artificial quotas.

I like the narcolepsy effect a lot and if they ever print a super pushed one, I'll run it. Until then, blue can splash for removal like green has to beyond the few legit options that exist. I really think that's your best bet unless your average power level is really low.
I would like it to be an enchantment, honestly. There's a ton of precedent for the effect in retail limited, and I like giving blue at least one "permanent" removal effect. Green having to splash for removal is a problem in of itself, and something Wotc is working to address. Seems risky to push that problem onto blue too.

On that note, has anyone had success with


I'm running psy blast right now, and its really nice to have 1 spell like that at 360 to open up deck design (namely for UG decks). U bounce is already so strong, I don't think you want too many hard removal affects though.

Narcolepsy and company are a bit janky for most lists. If it has to be an enchantment, I would suggest an aura control magic effect-- but not too many in a 360 list. One, maybe two, should be fine. They work really nice as a form of tempo-esque "hard"!removal, which fits with blue's identity, and fits perfectly in the removal starved, but tempo focused, UG decks that generally give rise to these sorts of discussions.

It also helps take away the pressure to run non-competitive removal options in green.
I'm honestly failing to see how Narcolepsy is any more Janko than Pacifism. They do exactly the same thing, right? Pacifism doesn't even stop activated abilities, so it not that... I really don't get it. Are we thinking Pacifism is too junky????

I don't like Psionic Blast because of the aforementioned color pie violations. I do like CM effects, and do run Mind Control currently.

Like, I guess there's gotta be something to everyone's misgivings with U hard removal..... seems to me you open up a lot more space by letting each color have diverse answers, but maybe I'm just wrong on that?

Edit: Curse of Chains is definitely getting tested, if anything just because of the raw flexibility, and because it opened up more design space than something like Blast ever will (a whole slot!).


The big problem with Narcolepsy, specifically, is that it doesn't remove the blocker that turn, which is an issue for those UG decks, which suffer disproportionately due to a lack of good hard removal in either blue or green.

I'm kind of surprised we are considering pacifism: white has a number of similar, but more interesting, enchantment based removal spells. Are you specifically wanting the auras to potentially hit the yard at some point?

And the not-til-next-turn thing is something I hadn't thought about. One reason that Claustrophobia specifically costs three, probably. Considering this is basically extra, above bounce spells that U has, I don't think I'm too worried about that?

This is in concert with U getting a slightly toned down bounce spell in my cube (the fact that its extra). And the fact that I'm getting Unsubstantiate soon, which will further help with the flexible blue tempo slots, making me think blue has the breathing room for a unique and useful effect for stuff that it doesn't want just cast again (etbs like Restoration Angel, say)

Something interesting I did just notice from Chris's CT list (though also now a little out of color pie, less so than Blast tho):


One thing to keep in mind is that all of those aura based removal spells tend to be unreliable removal due to bounce, and if you have a large section of your white removal revolving around auras, it can warp a white section towards tempo and creature pressure, rather than control. I think this is especially something to consider, if you're anticipating these cards hitting the yard at some point to fuel delirium.

Also, fwiw, they feel like somewhat clunky enablers for that keyword, seeing as you can't really control when they go to the yard (unlike dead weight).

Not to hate on the nacro effects anymore than is necessary, but another thing I dislike about them is the 2-3cc cost and sorcery speed. I keep on harkening back to UG, and maybe thats a little unfair for your specific case, but that specific color combination tends to have some narrow problems it wants solved, and is the combination most in the market for hard U or G removal:

1. Its a tempo color combination, but its pieces often times contradict one another.
2. It can run counters, so it sometimes wants to hold mana up; but its monsters largely move at sorcery speed.
3. Its a ramp color, so it does a great job fueling X based draw spells, but needs 1-2 pieces of hard removal to make that slightly more controlling plan feasible.

Blue or Green in literally every other color combination has oceans of hard removal it can select from, but in this specific combination its suddenly funneled down a tempo plan, whose two pieces (instant speed counters and tap out green dudes) contradict one another, and there are tons of red herring traps to fall into that promote slower gameplay in a color pair with poor removal options.

Psionic Blast or control magic effects walk a tight rope. They both give you hard board control tools for players that stumble when building in that direction/open up new design space, but stay on plan by either allowing you to control the board by holding mana up, or controlling the board by effecting a tempo swing in your favor. In addition, they are both perfectly playable cards in a host of other color combinations.

The tap auras don't resolve those issues at all, and while perhaps reasonable in other color combinations, in specifically UG, they put you back in the position of having to choose between instant or sorcery speed effects, adding or not adding to the board. Narcolepsy is the better costed, but can't remove blockers the turn it comes into play, which is a problem for a tempo pair.

Where I do think those cards are neat, however, is where you have a very low powered format, where they are approaching premium removal status. Than you can run them alongside untap effects like pestermite, quirion ranger, or village bell ringer, and create some really interesting counter-play.
One thing to keep in mind is that all of those aura based removal spells tend to be unreliable removal due to bounce, and if you have a large section of your white removal revolving around auras, it can warp a white section towards tempo and creature pressure, rather than control. I think this is especially something to consider, if you're anticipating these cards hitting the yard at some point to fuel delirium.

Also, fwiw, they feel like somewhat clunky enablers for that keyword, seeing as you can't really control when they go to the yard (unlike dead weight).

Not to hate on the nacro effects anymore than is necessary, but another thing I dislike about them is the 2-3cc cost and sorcery speed. I keep on harkening back to UG, and maybe thats a little unfair for your specific case, but that specific color combination tends to have some narrow problems it wants solved, and is the combination most in the market for hard U or G removal:

1. Its a tempo color combination, but its pieces often times contradict one another.
2. It can run counters, so it sometimes wants to hold mana up; but its monsters largely move at sorcery speed.
3. Its a ramp color, so it does a great job fueling X based draw spells, but needs 1-2 pieces of hard removal to make that slightly more controlling plan feasible.

Blue or Green in literally every other color combination has oceans of hard removal it can select from, but in this specific combination its suddenly funneled down a tempo plan, whose two pieces (instant speed counters and tap out green dudes) contradict one another, and there are tons of red herring traps to fall into that promote slower gameplay in a color pair with poor removal options.

Psionic Blast or control magic effects walk a tight rope. They both give you hard board control tools for players that stumble when building in that direction/open up new design space, but stay on plan by either allowing you to control the board by holding mana up, or controlling the board by effecting a tempo swing in your favor. In addition, they are both perfectly playable cards in a host of other color combinations.

The tap auras don't resolve those issues at all, and while perhaps reasonable in other color combinations, in specifically UG, they put you back in the position of having to choose between instant or sorcery speed effects, adding or not adding to the board. Narcolepsy is the better costed, but can't remove blockers the turn it comes into play, which is a problem for a tempo pair.

Where I do think those cards are neat, however, is where you have a very low powered format, where they are approaching premium removal status. Than you can run them alongside untap effects like pestermite, quirion ranger, or village bell ringer, and create some really interesting counter-play.

I see you focused on this issue with {U}{G} and tempo plays and identity - but is this a problem that can be fixed by avoiding aura-based removal, or is this a problem with the pair being viewed primarily as a "tempo" pair that lacks a real structure or archetypal backing due to underdevelopment by WOTC? I agree with your 3 points about the contradiction inherent to the pair, but the talk about tap auras vs steal auras and Psionic Blast is where you lose me.

I'm focusing explicitly on this:

One thing to keep in mind is that all of those aura based removal spells tend to be unreliable removal due to bounce,

You then propose Psionic Blast and Control Magic effects. As far as I know, control magic effects have the same vulnerability as aura-based removal - unreliable due to bounce. Where is the difference in this theoretical {U}{G} tempo-beatdown versus {U}{W} bounce-blink aggro matchup between Curse of Chains and Control Magic? Other than, of course, the former costing 2 mana less, coming down either 2 turns sooner or, on T4, coming down and giving room for counter-mana to be held up? I know we unlock this condition you reference of getting in a free swing potentially, by stealing a blocker for a turn, but is it worth the extra mana? And if we're relying on the 1 or 2 highly-desirable {U}-based Threaten effects in this hypothetical tempo vs bounce matchup, what are the odds we got them in the draft? And, further still, if aura removal is so shitty and less desirable to virtually any other pair, is it possible that there's an elegant solution in here in providing it so it wheels more easily to the pair that needs any removal it can get - {U}{G}?

Now don't get me wrong: I think aura-based removal is typically a pretty bad deal and needs a very carefully managed removal suite to be viable. But I see the faults being primarily (1) sacrifice outlets, (2) too much bounce in a list, and (3) enchantment destruction. The first issue is a fringe one, about as fringe as the untap vs tap effect counterplay you mention at the end of your post. The second is something that many lists suffer from: too much bounce. It makes ETB triggers better and makes more generic beaters (hi Polukranos, World Eater) less desirable. I don't like that effect on a meta. I think hard removal is generally the best way to go.

edit: missed words
Lots of words of wisdom as always from RBM :).

I think even with her three faults:
  1. Fringe effects can't really be relied on to shape removal. you can sac in response to any sort of removal. If anything it offers some cool minigames where villain can sac their threat to, say, Nantuko Husk, but they still just lost their big threat you tapped down. Aka cool stuff will happen.
  2. Seems to me having a blue removal spell that isn't bounce helps this point out (by having fewer bounce spells). Even so, having to have them use their own bounce spell just to regain use of their own creature seems fine by me. Flickerwisp is annoying/really good, but that's true of it in a lot of other situations too.
  3. This just seems like a nice counterplay to have available. Green/white has precious few other answers to unconditional removal, so giving it an out seems nice. This same point applies to all W 'ring' effects, so I don't think it's a big deal if it wasn't a big deal with those.
All in all, I still don't even think this effect is as low powered as all that. So there's what, 10 effects in the cube that can break a creature out from under a removal aura? That still makes them way more reliable than offensive aura's, where you add all the other removal to that list (so 50 or so effects?) and we still run equipment and select buffing auras (example being Madcap Skills)

Also, this sort of effect is 100x more likely to keep a spot in my list because of its hybrid mana flexibility, thus opening up an entire new slot


You then propose Psionic Blast and Control Magic effects. As far as I know, control magic effects have the same vulnerability as aura-based removal - unreliable due to bounce. Where is the difference in this theoretical {U}{G} tempo-beatdown versus {U}{W} bounce-blink aggro matchup between Curse of Chains and Control Magic? Other than, of course, the former costing 2 mana less, coming down either 2 turns sooner or, on T4, coming down and giving room for counter-mana to be held up? I know we unlock this condition you reference of getting in a free swing potentially, by stealing a blocker for a turn, but is it worth the extra mana? And if we're relying on the 1 or 2 highly-desirable {U}-based Threaten effects in this hypothetical tempo vs bounce matchup, what are the odds we got them in the draft? And, further still, if aura removal is so shitty and less desirable to virtually any other pair, is it possible that there's an elegant solution in here in providing it so it wheels more easily to the pair that needs any removal it can get - {U}{G}?

UG can come together in a couple, generally conflicted ways, and those effects are very good at smoothing out those contrasting game plans, rather than exasperating their existing problems. Even though aura effects are generally weaker removal options due to how disruptable they are, the raw power of a control magic effect, or being able to keep mana open for psi blast, remand, or flash creature, is a lot higher in a deck that can deal as much damage as UG can with each extra turn.

When you have a claustrophobia or narcolepsy in hand, you have tools that can kind of step in and fill that functionality, but you're kind of getting the worst of both worlds, oftentimes forcing you to choose between removal, adding to the board, or holding up mana for counters/bounce. Psi blast and cm effects just do a much better job threading a particularly difficult needle.

To answer your color pair comparison question directly though, I don't think think there is actually a big difference. Running aura style removal in white is not necessarily bad, and in some cases it can be quite good (as soft anti-graveyard hate for example). The main factor to consider is that UG is really just forced down this narrow path due to limits in the card pool, while UW has tons of options. Upping the number of aura removal in white, due to its disruptability, encourages a more tempo/flyers style of deck, which may or may not be how you want UW to look.
Now I'm really confused. So aura removal is fine in {W}, even helping out a tempo sort of deck, but that sort of thing in {U} is bad? Importantly, Curse of Chains is a white aura removal. So in that deck its perfectly acceptable as a white card, but not in it's blue form as a soft-gy-hate spell for UG tempo? Especially since it could be used in a variety of other decks, say UB control, as a soft-gy-hate removal spell or in case black removal (high demand) gets cut out by someone else. Double especially since this is completely in addition to the normal bounce options UG uses, triple especially since the deck is apparently so removal starved, so something > nothing? So confused.

And if it's white that makes the spell good, then I'll gladly stick to Curse of Chains where it can be that.

Also, this argument starts looking silly when the {G} section in question isn't "normal" and is explicitly trying to be shaped into a control-ready color, not just what everyone else tries to do with it. To wit, maybe the {G} section in question supports more than 'UG tempo'

Another flexible removal aura that I like

Since white is good with auras, this one should perform well, right?


Now I'm really confused. So aura removal is fine in {W}, even helping out a tempo sort of deck, but that sort of thing in {U} is bad? Importantly, Curse of Chains is a white aura removal. So in that deck its perfectly acceptable as a white card, but not in it's blue form as a soft-gy-hate spell for UG tempo? Especially since it could be used in a variety of other decks, say UB control, as a soft-gy-hate removal spell or in case black removal (high demand) gets cut out by someone else. Double especially since this is completely in addition to the normal bounce options UG uses, triple especially since the deck is apparently so removal starved, so something > nothing? So confused.

Its neither good nor bad, it just depends on what you are trying to promote.

We kind of have a mix of issues here, but as far as white removal goes: if you are supporting disruptable aura removal in white (which it sounds like you are since you want it to hit the yard) than its no longer really hard removal and is more akin to soft removal.

This is going to effect the composition of the decks that people can build in that color pair. I had this with the Innistrad theme cube, where the white removal was all aura based as a form of passive graveyard hate, and the end result was UW couldn't count on its answers to permanently answer threats. The solution to that was to play a more assertive, creature based, tempo plan, effectively narrowing the color pair.

This may or may not be, what you want to encourage from your white section, and specifically your UW color pair, which is significant because white has a very broad range of removal options. I'm also not sure that I personally, think that white aura based removal is good or bad for a list. I think it can be good, but I've played with it enough to know that it very much falls into the category of conditional removal, which means that hard statements like "aura removal is fine in white" without looking at broader context are going to be problematic in nature.

The second issue is how you want your removal in blue to look. Now, I kind of jumped ahead here, and went straight to UG, and thats probably where the confusion is setting in, so let me backup, as this is another discussion where context matters.

So first off, let us all acknowledge that narcolepsy, claustrophobia, and curse of chains are all low power removal. They are far below the power level of cm or many of its more modest variants, and lower power than psionic blast. Even compared with white pacifism equivalents, they are lower power. Claustrophobia is expensive and clunky. Narcolepsy is basically a pure control card because it doesn't ETB shut down a blocker, but is super awkward as control removal since you can't count on any of these auras to actually stick around. Curse of Chains has the exact same problem as narcolepsy, and none of these cards shut down activate abilities. I'm surprised you didn't post them in the low power thread, and my response would have been different had you done so.

In that sense, its a false equivalence to really compare any of these blue pacifism style removal cards with pacifism, as pacifism manages to be a higher power card, something which should be giving us pause.

So lets consider a possibility, as level 0 analysis, that none of these cards might actually be good enough for a non-pure peasant/pauper list, that they may end up being bottom tier removal in any sort of higher power list. Your list is high enough power where this is something you should consider.

But assuming that we still give these cards the green light, let us also acknowledge that blue doesn't actually have any ostensible need for hard removal. Blue's soft removal, in the form of bounce, is already incredibly powerful, and with our flexible mana bases, she can tap into any supporting color to potentially pick a wide variety of powerful hard removal, which can both compete with and occlude those aura based pacifism style blue spells.

Except in specifically UG.

This is the color combination with the worst hard removal options, the most contradictory gameplan, and which can oftentimes ending up struggling for an identity as a result. UW, as a combination, doesn't have a critical hard removal problem, neither does UR or UB. While you can design UW to be purely pacifism style based removal, White's pacifism removal selection is quite a bit better than blues, and white also doesn't have to go in that direction. White has access to some of the strongest hard mass and spot removal ever printed. UG has psionic blast, control magic equivalents, ambush viper, and fight effects.

So, we're looking to plug a design hole in a color section. Our choices are: 1) blue based pacifism effects that are weaker than actual pacifism and maybe not runnable, 2) CM effects, that while vulnerable to aura disruption, are powerful enough to justify that vulnerability, 3) psionic blast, which is the closest blue ever gets to actual hard removal.

Where the rabbit hole eventually took me, was to cater towards UG's removal needs as a matter of practicality. This is a deck that either wants some sort of high impact tempo play or to hold mana open, and given that criteria, control magic effects or psionic blast work really well, and work much better than any of blue's pacifism style removal. I went with psi blast, because its actual hard removal and wanted to promote that angle. Another alternative would be to go with something like dungeon geists, but you may or may not want to stick a tapping ETB on a large evasive body (I didn't).

Now, if you don't view this as being a problem, than you won't make those adjustments, which is fine.

But this is what I did, and this is why I took this course.

Chris Taylor


And the not-til-next-turn thing is something I hadn't thought about. One reason that Claustrophobia specifically costs three, probably. Considering this is basically extra, above bounce spells that U has, I don't think I'm too worried about that?

This is in concert with U getting a slightly toned down bounce spell in my cube (the fact that its extra). And the fact that I'm getting Unsubstantiate soon, which will further help with the flexible blue tempo slots, making me think blue has the breathing room for a unique and useful effect for stuff that it doesn't want just cast again (etbs like Restoration Angel, say)

Something interesting I did just notice from Chris's CT list (though also now a little out of color pie, less so than Blast tho):

this card is ligit good, and I've mostly avoided adding the red version (Blind with Anger)
It's a nice way to add 1.5 Control Magic's to your cube as well
FWIW, I think pacifism is barely serviceable. I run Temporal Isolation (which is an instant at least), and I don't even really like that. How much bounce you run will make these types of cards better or (usually) worse. Things like O-Ring are decent because they hit multiple permanent types and you can't just bounce after the effect has happened (bounce your creature I mean).

If I wasn't supporting enchantress, I'd gut almost all these enchantment type removal cards. They are sort of bad.

Control Magic specifically is a crazy powerful effect because if they can't remove it you are adding to your board and taking away from there's. That makes it worth the tempo risk if they answer it. You get none of that from pacifism/narcolepsy. I know the latter are cheaper, but cost really doesn't make up the difference IMHO.

I get not wanting to break color pie for Psionic Blast, but the card is just good. It helps an entire archetype (Ux tempo), which is a super fun and deep category of decks that otherwise would struggle with color combinations without on-color good removal.

Why the original game design thought that burn had to be one color only (Red) and card draw had to be one color only (Blue)... I'll never understand because of how valuable these effects are. To some extent, you have the same stupid thing with enchantment/artifact removal.
I get that Curse of Chains etc. etc. Isn't up to the power level of every other card that can be cubed, but it is a cheap, useful, spell that can be used for a lot of nifty things like enchantress and delirium, and is flexible into two colors, something blast will never be able to say. If WotC realized that each color needs serviceable versions of their unique on-color removals, they'd be a lot better off than breaking the color pie on all sorts of crap.

The two main things I can think of are
  1. Actually frickin' good creature based removal in green. I'm aiming towards putting in Dromoka's command potentially, because instant fight is so good. They are starting to realize this with one-sided fight in recent sets
  2. Actually good/pushed more-permanent removal in U. Two variants I can think of are efficiently costed to-top-of-library effects, hopefully instant speed (think unexpectedly absent) and good enchantment-based removal, two mana claustrophobia effect, or similar
Psionic Blast is evidently the crowd favorite, though. How do we feel about the actual mage throwing lightning/whatever

Edit: and I'm sorry if I seem so... resistant or whatever, but this has the potential to open up an entire slot, which is incredibly attractive. I see a slightly lower power level being ok (cube power level doesn't have to flat) if it enables me to run a cooler card in another color that isn't as good at being removal, but has other unique and valuable uses.
I really like the thought of Legacy's Allure, but it is pretty clunky. I could just use seal of removal if I was really invested deeply in delirium, tbh

Chris Taylor



Better colour pie placement, extra mode, downside of not untapping creature.

I've found that this is really hard to actually use as threaten, and the 7 mana mode costing 7 is really at odds with the kind of deck that wants a threaten.

To me, every sorcery speed Ray of Command I see is a victory, since it means drafters are seeing the "Altrenate" methods, and not just defaulting to the "Destroy two target attacking creatures" mode it usually is


I'm not really thinking the ramifications of this out 100% fully, but the pauper brewer "oh god my mana sucks I'm stuck in the color pie" solution would always be to first look at artifact or otherwise colorless effects.

It can creep downward too in power

I've played a lot of curse. It was part of the initial 360 in the innistrad theme cube, and its also a sb card in the pauper delver decks. Basically, if you're in a spot where you want hard removal, but absolutely can't get hard removal anywhere else, and are so desperate pacifism is starting to look good, than you run it. It always has more of a feel of "I'm running this necessary evil" than that it was in the sweet spot of conditional removal, which something like ghastly demise inhabits.

In its defense though, its not an actively bad removal spell, just one you are kind of grudgingly running due to a lack of options, and it feels that way.

Realistically though, if its a slower control archetype you are promoting, people will just splash for a third color and grab that removal. There is just no real reason not too. In the penny cube, technically there could be UG control decks, but you never see them, because its just so much better to go RUG, and get great spot removal and sweepers. You almost also never see pure controlling R/G decks, though you could, because its just so good to grab blue cards.

And it makes sense. When you're dealing with green , its very hard to keep any slower strategy from going to a third color hunting for benefits, as green is just so good at fixing.

More aggressive blue decks, however, might not want to mess around with complicated fixing. This is why I only tend to see actual UG decks trending towards tempo, because what else does simic do with its terrible hard removal: otherwise you should be playing a slow UG strategy, splashing red or black, and playing a much better deck.

/end color pie rant.
I fully appreciate that everyone has written upwards of 5,000 words on this common enchantment. What it comes down to in the end is that I'm still testing it, even if for personal knowledge that you are all on the money. My clear fallback in case it doesn't work out has been easily defined as Psionic Blast. I'll give it a couple of drafts to see what happens.

A couple cards that I've liked from this discussion

Thanks all for investing so much into this