Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

I think Hatred sucks because it's so one dimensional. You just want to cheat a win with it. Either you win with it when the opponent has tapped his lands or you are taking a beating and the card is miserable in your hand, i don't see the reason to have it in a cube...
I don't think it has a spot in most lists. I play it for fun in Tymaret EDH because no one cares about taking two from murder hobo but then they get got.
I run it in my Green module (90 cards - so not exactly comparable to typical cube lists from a drafting standpoint), and in the dedicated Elf deck it's one of the best cards there.

My 2 cents... supporting narrow cards like this is worth it if:
1. The deck can actually come together
2. The narrow card is one of the best cards in that deck.

YMMV, but I think it's worth checking out especially if you have drafters that are fans of tribal themes.

In this vein, I also recommend Goblin Matron for the tribal goblin deck. Being able to tutor up Siege-gang or Redcap is powerful and worth drafting this card for.

Exactly how bad of an idea is it to run this?

I've been running Hat Red for months. It's hilarious, it looms large in the draft, I would recommend it highly but it's definitely not a card everybody's going to enjoy or want to cube. It's a bit of a saving grace that it's not an especially pickable card, which should get it to wheel and give everybody a chance to see it's in the draft pool.

Story time: Villain is stomping me in game three. I'm on the GB beat-down plan, except he's still at 20 life, and has tapped out to put Palinchron and Charmbreaker Devils in play vs. my Afterlife token. I'm pretty sure he has some nasty Palinchron combo if an uncontested Charmbreaker Devils isn't enough. All I have is Hatred and some lands in hand, so I Hollywood a brief tank and gingerly attack with the flier.

Opponent is confused. "Might of Oaks?" he asks. Dithers, then greedily decides not to block, setting himself up for the windmill slam Hatred for nineteen. Much rejoicing and and a live reading of the flavor text followed.
In this vein, I also recommend Goblin Matron for the tribal goblin deck. Being able to tutor up Siege-gang or Redcap is powerful and worth drafting this card for.

This is another one I really want to try, with a few more goblins in the red section. Just another thing I haven't got around to yet.

I would suggest first looking at quirion ranger or scryb ranger if you are in the market for general creature untap effects.

It's more the return an elf part than the untap a creature part I'm interested in.


Ecstatic Orb

Does anyone have any experience with this? It doesn't feel that far off from Bonesplitter, and I like that it makes extra bodies for the sacrifice deck.
In fact I do, and it's awful! The 1/1 always dies before you can do anything with it, and the +1/+0 is nowhere near enough of a boost. The triggered ability matters so rarely, that it's best to view this card as an overcosted Bone Saw. It's a trap!
This card is pretty bad. If you don't have a way to take advantage of the extra body and make it actually relevant, then it's just useless. Bonesplitter allows you to trade up your 1 drop 2/1 creatures in aggro with an x/4 roadblock and continue pushing through damage. This +1/+0 doesn't have enough of an impact. It's a shame too, we could always use more pieces of good equipment but this doesn't quite fit the bill.


Ecstatic Orb
Yeah, it's better than it looks at first glance. It's just so fricking versatile, and it's nearly always a 2-for-1 that doesn't require you to spend mana on your own turn.

Chris Taylor

There's two Bonesplitters in my cube, and still they wheel half the time. I do think it's underrated actually!

It's so weird, I've got 2 as well, and they're usually powerful, but they always both end up in the same person's deck, and they're inevitably also playing green, and probably have a rancor or two.
I have no idea why. It's not like everyone else is hard in on control and would turn their nose up at equipment