Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

Serendib Efreet is way way out of line for what you usually get for a blue creature, but the gameplan for blue decks so often doesn't include early attacks. The drawback is really painful when he's a designated blocker and you're just trying to stretch the game out and win on card advantage.

Even in EMA drafts there were times where playing him became a liability, and not just because of Pacifism at common.
sea drake used to be good but now isn't because stompy decks aren't reliant on 'mox sapphire, ancient tomb, sea drake go' (because you can't target two lands, the effect fizzles)

I really wouldn't cube it, the drawback is VERY bad
I don't know if people have been talking about this, but I'd still like to call attention to this little guy from conspiracy:

This guy seems absolutely wonderful for moderate-powered draft environments. He is on curve in both his base form and in his monstrous form (as a 5/5 menace for 7) with a relevant midgame keyword and a reasonable split of mana investment.

I know I don't have a moderately-powered cube that is heavily curated (I may be working on fixing that btw), but I have put this guy on my list for auto-includes. He just feels really good to use, and to monstrous. I can't say that many monstrous cards have felt the same. How have you guys found this overlooked common?
sea drake used to be good but now isn't because stompy decks aren't reliant on 'mox sapphire, ancient tomb, sea drake go' (because you can't target two lands, the effect fizzles)

I really wouldn't cube it, the drawback is VERY bad

Think Penny Pincher cubes, not Sharzad cubes. Is a 4/3 flyer for 3 so terrible on turn 5 when you can replay the land and interact at instant speed (with a counter)? What if you can rebuy scry Temples or Zendispell lands; still terrible?


I will concur.

Sea Drake looks great, and bouncing two lands has the potential to be really good, while also balancing out the abnormally sized evasive body.

Also, Rebecca Guay art.
Have you gotten a chance to play around with/test:


Its still listed as under evaluation in your CT list, but I was hoping you have some data. She's at the very top of my maybeboard, because I think that she can bring a lot to the table, but am not quite sure

Good mana sink. Helps agro with late game mana efficiency
Growing threat
Board wipe. This particularly interests me for my GR control archetype.

Has she worked out for you? Thanks for the help! :D

Anyone else have any thoughts?

Sorry for the late reply! Busy weekend.

Overall, Ashling the Pilgrim has played pretty well, about as expected, but I haven't decided if she's locked into her space yet. So far, the only real hurdle she's faced is "memory issues"; players never remember that she's actually a ticking time bomb, and fail to use her as such when it would help them (this has cost 2 games minimum, but probably more, where the Ashling player should have won and missed the chance due to forgetting about the explosion-mode). I think she's probably best in lists running some proliferate or +1/+1 counter payoffs, because without Volt Charge and Tezzeret's Gambit to help, her pay-per-counter rate feels awfully steep. I see her included in most red decks that draft her, because low-cost, flexible mana sinks are pretty paramount over here due to the squeezed curve. As for best-case usage, she's most at home as a flexible late-game investment opportunity for aggro-control decks, and gets used as a mana sink at the end of Villain's turn a lot. I've ran her in creature-light {U}{B}{R} Cruel Control decks the most so far, and that's probably her best home, backed up with something like Unearth (my format has few board wipes, which probably helps up her value a tad, too, fwiw).
Sorry for the late reply! Busy weekend.

Overall, Ashling the Pilgrim has played pretty well, about as expected, but I haven't decided if she's locked into her space yet. So far, the only real hurdle she's faced is "memory issues"; players never remember that she's actually a ticking time bomb, and fail to use her as such when it would help them (this has cost 2 games minimum, but probably more, where the Ashling player should have won and missed the chance due to forgetting about the explosion-mode). I think she's probably best in lists running some proliferate or +1/+1 counter payoffs, because without Volt Charge and Tezzeret's Gambit to help, her pay-per-counter rate feels awfully steep. I see her included in most red decks that draft her, because low-cost, flexible mana sinks are pretty paramount over here due to the squeezed curve. As for best-case usage, she's most at home as a flexible late-game investment opportunity for aggro-control decks, and gets used as a mana sink at the end of Villain's turn a lot. I've ran her in creature-light {U}{B}{R} Cruel Control decks the most so far, and that's probably her best home, backed up with something like Unearth (my format has few board wipes, which probably helps up her value a tad, too, fwiw).

Hey, great, thanks!

I don't have the proliferate theme, but I'm hoping she's still ok? My curve and games are a little looser than some, so I hope that buys enough time to sink mana here and there. Hoping the memory issues aren't a big issue. Seems like the sort of card one can use as a self-learning experience...

Very pleased to hear that she is working and liked in control! My biggest hope for her was to be a nice flex pick that can help my RG decks out :).

Regardless, she's in! Not sure if the switch would have happened regardless, but very glad for the input :D. If there's anything I've learned from my line of work, its that there's any unneeded testing that can be avoided through other means, avoid it. Other people taking the leap for you counts :p
Am I the only one who loves this card?

It seems like such great value. Demonic Tutor + a Bear? Wow. Plus it solidifies Black's identity as a tutor color without breaking the bank for an Imperial Seal or something to get a third cost efective tuttor in your cube. Also it has interesting drawbacks by betraying your color. Maybe I'm stupid?
It's only Demonic Tutor if you're always tutoring for the same card, and even then less than half the time. If you draw the Smuggler after you draw the card you revealed for it (or if you have both by the time you would otherwise cast it), it's a vanilla 2/2 for 4.

Taking another look at this card for it's escalate cost being valuable. Anybody get cube testing in with this little gem?
For those of you who have ran/do run Tendo Ice Bridge, how did it/does it work out for you? I've been considering adding 2-4 Aether Hub to my main draft (the new Kaladesh spin on Ice Bridge that grants 1 energy when it ETB), as I'm looking to test an energy package and up flexible fixing at the same time. Thoughts?
For those of you who have ran/do run Tendo Ice Bridge, how did it/does it work out for you? I've been considering adding 2-4 Aether Hub to my main draft (the new Kaladesh spin on Ice Bridge that grants 1 energy when it ETB), as I'm looking to test an energy package and up flexible fixing at the same time. Thoughts?
It was always a solid, runnable pick over here. I do like the idea of running multiple of this new one, so you could build up energy if you don't need the fixing that bad.
I have it at Utility Land power level, and it works fine there. I've always thought it was a bit too weak for my main draft.

Would offering them Main Draft as two 2-of squad picks (so I have a total of 4 available in the cube) sound better? Or do you think that might be a bit pushed? I generally shy away from squad picks since they aren't easily reflected on CubeTutor... But I was a little worried that they're a tad on the weak side unless you're really going for a deck that wants energy.
Would offering them Main Draft as two 2-of squad picks (so I have a total of 4 available in the cube) sound better? Or do you think that might be a bit pushed? I generally shy away from squad picks since they aren't easily reflected on CubeTutor... But I was a little worried that they're a tad on the weak side unless you're really going for a deck that wants energy.

I think having one Aether Hub double-squad would probably work well. Two squads might be too pushed, just imagining someone with all four. I guess it depends on how much incentive other players have to make use of energy without playing an all-out energy deck.