Sorry for the late reply! Busy weekend.
Ashling the Pilgrim has played pretty well, about as expected, but I haven't decided if she's locked into her space yet. So far, the only real hurdle she's faced is "memory issues"; players never remember that she's actually a ticking time bomb, and fail to use her as such when it would help them (this has cost 2 games minimum, but probably more, where the Ashling player should have won and missed the chance due to forgetting about the explosion-mode). I think she's probably best in lists running some proliferate or +1/+1 counter payoffs, because without
Volt Charge and
Tezzeret's Gambit to help, her pay-per-counter rate feels awfully steep. I see her included in most red decks that draft her, because low-cost, flexible mana sinks are pretty paramount over here due to the squeezed curve. As for best-case usage, she's most at home as a flexible late-game investment opportunity for aggro-control decks, and gets used as a mana sink at the end of Villain's turn a lot. I've ran her in creature-light
Cruel Control decks the most so far, and that's probably her best home, backed up with something like
Unearth (my format has few board wipes, which probably helps up her value a tad, too, fwiw).