Chris Taylor
Correction: a card that makes you feel like shit for laughing
Those creatures are strong, but Not too hard to handle as all of them are low toughness. I'd rather have to oppose a sower than an enchantment stealing my best creature. Unhandled it's still swingy, I have to admit that.
I already thought about replacing the Hero with Ogre Battledriver, but I don't know if that's necessary. Hero in't Hellrider.
Huntmaster is multicolour and Titania still needs some work to bei done. I'm thinking about replacing the fetch/shock mana base with something else so it isn't as busted.
Yeah, it seems I have to test a lot concerning white sweepers as well as staxx. Gearhulk will be, too.
To be fair, Hero of Oxid Ridge was never oppressive in my cube. If I remember correctly I cut it for not being good enough (in a distant past where my cube was at a much higher power level). Hellrider is much more of a nightmare.
Don't think it can hold a candle to the Death Cloud in the list, which is an excellent and unique card.Updated list, though still untested in the actual iteration (Demonic Rising, for example).
What about
Grillo's absolutely right in that I pushed aggressive decks very hard. My 'playgroup' (which really isn't one, but there are players I usually come up to play with) is full of guys that want to draft multicoloured, blue-centric control decks. It's always tough to balance blue, as everybody on these forums knows and isn't tired of mentioning it, so I started to push aggressive decks in doubling up on 1-drops that make aggro very viable.
Thats fine. I would encourage you though to not nerf your removal. Your list isn't being depowered at all, you're just shifting the power focus more towards the low end of the curve.