Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

Dom Harvey

Have I said before how much I love Evolutionary Leap? Probably. Regardless, it's a really deep and fun card that gives green access to an uncommon effect for its colour letting you turn a 'cost' into a benefit, is 'random' enough to be exciting but doesn't make variance define the game (and you can still rig it with other cards), and asks for careful resource management

Dom Harvey


Does this invalidate removal as a concept and speed the game up by a whole turn... or is it an interesting card with some play to it that can stop your other interesting cards from being ruined by a Doom Blade?
I love Lightning Greaves. I have zero complaints with it. It's not exactly easy to abuse or overtly powerful. I feel like it can keep decks honest much like Blastoderm has operated in past constructed formats, and in Peasant cubes. It's nice to give some decks resiliency from removal. My creature suite is slightly toned down compared to removal so it slots in perfectly for me.

I want to run Evolutionary Leap....but I can only run so many 2cmc Green enchantments. It's slated to come in if Earthcraft or Ineffable Blessing prove too nutty. I think Blessing is probably too bluntly good.


Ecstatic Orb
Sweet feedback everyone! Going to look for another way to trigger revolt in white. Also, I probably need to make room for Evolutionary Leap again. I swapped it out for Sylvan Library, which I also like a lot, but maybe I can just run both?
Lightning Greaves

Does this invalidate removal as a concept and speed the game up by a whole turn... or is it an interesting card with some play to it that can stop your other interesting cards from being ruined by a Doom Blade?

I had Greaves in for a long time and ultimately soured on it because it was bullying my weakest decks: the ones that already struggled with flyers. Not enough artifact hate + minimal reach in Green + minimal flying in Red = a bad time when this goes on a flyer. I guess it's not the end if the world if you bring it in, but I'd want to be sure there was a decent bit of artifact removal available at least.

YPMV but I personally really like moving this effect into one-shot tricks:

Riffing on Raveborn's comment about Flyers....this is something I have zero issues with in my format as combat isn't as much of a focal point in my cube. For me, Lightning Greaves allow creature decks an edge when racing against someone setting up for a decisive turn. Blanking removal and putting someone on their heels is a good way for combat-oriented decks to sneak in wins against decks operating on different axes.

I also really like Lightning Greaves in decks with these guys:

Dom Harvey

yeah I'm imagining Greaves as a way to get the Goblin Welders of the world online faster and protect whatever big dumb animals they furnish me with

I'm watching this video from Channel Firebal, and about halfway through there's an interesting discussion about Cursed Scroll and whether it would be included in Standard decks if it were printed today. With that in mind, and thinking about the way that card design has changed over the years, is this still broken? Is the minigame fun enough to include, or can this be a reward for discard decks?

Jason Waddell

Staff member

I'm watching this video from Channel Firebal, and about halfway through there's an interesting discussion about Cursed Scroll and whether it would be included in Standard decks if it were printed today. With that in mind, and thinking about the way that card design has changed over the years, is this still broken? Is the minigame fun enough to include, or can this be a reward for discard decks?

This card was always just a Sulfuric Vortex for aggro decks that was only active when functionally Hellbent. As a 1-off in a 40 card deck nobody will build around it, but just shove it into a deck that tends to empty its hand anyways. There's mild play to it (don't play your mountain so you have two mountains in hand and a 2/3 chance of hitting) on some turns, but I never found it all that interesting in practice.
I support hellbent, and I’m a fan of scroll...there’s certainly a bit of nostalgia to it. It’s pretty unique in its function, and I appreciate what it adds to the archetype. I agree with Jason about being a pseudo vortex. It’s a little slow so it winds up being pretty fair in my experience. Not particularly critical when we have access to cards like Shrine of Burning Rage and Grim Lavamancer for inevitability. Keldon Megaliths is an even more fair version if you’re interested in the effect, but have reservations on scroll for whatever reason.

This card is back on my radar as its price starts to come back down to earth. Anyone have experience with it? I'm always on the lookout for splashy payoffs for token decks, but my fear here would be that it's the kind of card that either does nothing for 4 mana or outright wins the game without many outcomes in between.
imho I'd rather face down Intangible Virtue than Anointed Procession but I think both are problematic if you're heavy on flying tokens

Yeah, I think Intangible Virtue is just a better cube card on every axis, now that I think about it. The tokens drafter feels better putting it in their deck because they can more reasonably expect to benefit from it, and the opponent of that player is likely to get trounced in a way that feels unfair.

Anyone have experiences with time warps in cube? I've been thinking about experimenting with a taking turns archetype(subtheme?) featuring cards that work well with these like Narset Transcendent. Mostly because I happened to pull a foil Time Warp in a chaos draft and I already collect Judge foils. I'm thinking the cards fit into a UG ramp deck, maybe UW midrange. The combo with Soulfire Grand Master is cute. I think they slot into the Jeskai Ascendancy deck, probably.