Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

How long are your homies taking to decide to toss back their one lander?

Please explain the relevance.
We are debating how to shorten the time it takes for players to go from the mulligan phase to the start of the game.

In case you didn’t know: If a player decides to take a mulligan, they have to shuffle all their cards together and redraw a new hand of 7 cards. I think you’ve been playing too much Arena to remember how real life mulliganing functions.
Please explain the relevance.
We are debating how to shorten the time it takes for players to go from the mulligan phase to the start of the game.

In case you didn’t know: If a player decides to take a mulligan, they have to shuffle all their cards together and redraw a new hand of 7 cards. I think you’ve been playing too much Arena to remember how real life mulliganing functions.

Lol I've never had an issue with my group shuffling excessively. Mulligans happen somewhat uncommonly and don't take up that much time when they do.

I assumed your players were taking forever on their mulligan decisions, because I'd never considered "mulligan time" as an issue when matches take 20-60 minutes anyways.
That’s a weird assumption to make with no data to back it up :p I don’t even know who I’m playing with since we are often doing open tournaments. So weird to assume that the people I know have trouble evaluation one-landers.

It can be difficult to share an idea on this forum because people often want to talk about all things that aren’t relevant.

Does anyone have an input on the idea to give players two starting hands and having them put one of them on the bottom of the library?
I don't see how time spent making decisions isn't relevant to time spent deciding to mulligan, but alright.


Ecstatic Orb
Does anyone have an input on the idea to give players two starting hands and having them put one of them on the bottom of the library?

Haven't ever played with that particular conspiracy, but I heard it's overpowered. Giving everybody the choice of two hand is probably going to lead to a lot more nongames, but it might also lead to some analysis paralysis, especially when combined with mulligans? Really, I have no clue how to properly evaluate this, just try it out and see if it works.
I don't see how time spent making decisions isn't relevant to time spent deciding to mulligan, but alright.

Okay fair

Like you said you assumed the mulligan phase only included players looking at 7 cards with 6 spells and 1 land. And you assumed that my ‘homies’ as you called them would take unnecessary long to decide to keep that hand or not. I highly doubt this is the issue. Were you just trying to make a joke? I was looking for some feedback.

Haven't ever played with that particular conspiracy, but I heard it's overpowered. Giving everybody the choice of two hand is probably going to lead to a lot more nongames, but it might also lead to some analysis paralysis, especially when combined with mulligans? Really, I have no clue how to properly evaluate this, just try it out and see if it works.

Overpowered for all the players?
Can you explain how there will be more nongames if all players get two starting hands to choose from?


Ecstatic Orb
I meant overpowered when used as a draftable conspiracy. The effect of having an extra hand to choose from is super powerful. If you give that effect for free to both players, well... I don't know what will happen. Only one way to find out!
I definitely used to play that conspiracy in the draft and got rid of it quickly for being very powerful, but maybe it's ok when both players have it? I feel like having two hands ALWAYS adds a decision to make and some shuffling or bottoming of cards.

Do you run customs? Might be better off running some 1cmc hand smoothers to mulligan less often than trying to alleviate things this way. People keep pretty frequently as is and you could probably make it even more often.
In my opinion, and from my experiences, the only way to reliably shorten or lengthen games is with the actual contents of the decks. That is to say, by making the overall framework of the cube faster or slower.
Okay thanks guys.

I have been Brainstorming a lot of ideas and I thank you for your input. I agree that the best way to shorten games are the actual cards in the cube.

Okay one final question/poll:

How much starting life would you personally say is fair to begin each game with (in your cube) if a card like this was on the battlefield from turn 0?

Something in between?


Ecstatic Orb
Depends. I assume you want to put that effect on a custom emblem (because those can't be interacted with), and that you want to add the effect to ensure games end. Adding such an effect will make two strategies stronger: life gain and aggro. Life is a foil to aggro as well, so I think you need to curate your life gain effects if you add this effect. If you want to strengthen aggro decks (beyond your cube's composition), pick a purposefully low number. If you merely want to add the effect so that rounds don't go to time, pick a higher number. I'm pretty sure no one here ever tried this out, so you're going to have to figure the right numbers out for yourself.
How long are you trying to make matches? And why? This is an interesting problem to have.

Good questions. There aren’t really any issues or problems but I thought there was an opportunity so I came up with some ideas and wanted to test them. I guess I wouldn’t mind cutting of a few minutes from each game but I don’t want to leave the control players absolutely defenceless against the continuing pain from upkeep trigger (1dmg/turn). We already play best-of-one but we don’t usentimental regular cube structure with three matches. Instead we go longer and continue to player hence the bo1.

I think I’ll test the “Draw two starting hands. Put one on the bottom of your library.” and see if it shortens the game or not. I will report back but since we are in the middle of a pandemic I don’t know when that will be <3 Thanks cubers
Game time is usually more dependent on decisions / decision density in my experience. I think it’s not a coincidence that every constructed 1v1 format uses a 50min clock.

Making games go faster is usually going to be down to reducing the number of cards you need to play to win.
Prohibit, Vicious Offering, Burst Lightning, Everflowing Chalice (shout-out to Astral Cornucopia). I conceptually like Baloth Gorger as a 4/4 with upside if I had a format that had greener decks.
Shouted it out because it doesn't have real kicker and pairs with Chalice in a proliferate ramp strategy. I personally am planning to run Relic, but not Cornucopia.