Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

It was kind of bad. 5 mana is a lot for a card that at most prevents your opponent from attacking with large creatures without evasion if they don't have much life. The 1 life every turn make a difference in cheap cards, but here you barely ever get to activate it. Serrated Arrows, Dead Weight, Disfigure, Oblivion Ring... it felt like it was not hard to remove even with the indestructible clause. This card need to cost 3 mana to be playable in my cube, and that's not a high bar.

I ran this as part of RG Enrage, and even with Slice and Dice it felt like it was barely playable in that deck.
I don't recommend cubing Brash Taunter. It might not even be that good, but it is much better than it looks like and really feels horrbile for the opponent. If they can't remove it, that is, which is not too unlikely with indestructible. The problem is, if you just sit there and wait, it will deal you easily 3 or more damage eot every round. And if you attack into it with a non evasive creature, it will just deals two chunks of damage to you. You can barely race it and you can't play slowly against it either. You have a indestructible-beating removal or hope to somehow have more life AND an evasive creature. Because even when you have a large flyer, that stupid gobbo will deal at least as much damage. So often you need a removal or at least two evasive creatures. Not to mention that it kills all your X/1s.

And that is all when youdon't pump it. At first I thought it seems like a fun card. After playing a few games against it I know the opposite is the truth. It is easily in my top 5 most hated cards, horrible design. God, I hate this card.
What do we think of


By itself, it's a potential 4/4 blocker or an unblockable 4/4. However, if you have any incidental Snakes (like Coiling Oracle or Mystic Snake), there are a bunch of tricky things you can do with it.

(I might be making a list of Snakes that might be worth cubing if you wanted to have a snake-y feel.)
It is pretty good on it's own already. Note, that you can activate ot's ability multiple times, so it can immediately treaten to be a 6/6 unblockable and just getting bigger and bigger in later turns. It would be too much of a removal check in lower powered cubes but would probably play tame in higher power level were investing all that mana would be a much higher cost.

I just don't think that tribal and saboteur synergies will come up all that often and be relevant on a power level where it is a non problematic card.
I was wondering about

I have a Loam package that brings cards back from the GY as well as a bunch of landfall cards which is why they interest me.

I was wondering how deep you need to go on the utility lands for them to work. My impression is that just a few targets are enough and that the synergy with the GY/landfall is enough.

Here is what I have so far

Looking at the list it feels big and versatile enough to be powerful. I have 2 questions
- Is this type of card worth it even if you don't have Wasteland/Strip Mine in your cube (in a multiplayer setting, they seem lackluster)?
- Are there any good utility lands that I missed?
I was wondering about

Looking at the list it feels big and versatile enough to be powerful. I have 2 questions
- Is this type of card worth it even if you don't have Wasteland/Strip Mine in your cube (in a multiplayer setting, they seem lackluster)?
- Are there any good utility lands that I missed?
Honestly you don't need to go deep on utility for them to be good- if you have landfall and whatnot they are fine for themselves especially because they become big beaters afterwards. If you want to add more powerful utility lands to complement these, I think Inventors' Fair, Maze of Ith variants, Arch of Orazca, Blast Zone, Hostile Desert, Academy Ruins and friends, and if you want to get really memey, Mirrorpool are all cool options.

Field of the Dead also seem fine in multiplayer without being broken. Making an army of Zombies can help to end the game without players getting to decking. Plus, the field player can become archenemy for a time which might be an interesting dynamic. It depends on how you like your MP games, really.
Reclaimer can also be seen as an early aggressive crearure in some decks (Selfmill, Lands, Madness). If you have such archetypes and want them to be aggressive, I could see him being the superior choice. Knight in the other hand is a good signpost that GW suppirts lands.dec.
Having the monocolor cycling lands available in the basic land box was one of the best things I've done for my cube. In no ways throws off the "balance" of things, and just opens up options.

I also want to point out that Knight can act as ramp if needed. Her land doesnt enter tapped.
I hate that WotC still hasn't printed the enemy coloured bicycle lands.

Join my "We hate Wizards' land policy these last few decades" club :p

I want ally Triomes, hopefully soon.

When it comes to the bicycling lands I use the enemy Horizon lands to 'balance' the land section. The function almost similiar.
I like the idea of the cycling lands, but don't really have the space. I was thinking the Horizon lands kind of do the same thing (obviously weaker since they eat a land drop).

I might try the basic land box cyclers. Very little opportunity cost for a boost to gameplay.
Is this actually good? I like the effect and the crossover between aggro and stax, but that statline seems rough. I plan to nerf my removal a bit but it still seems too much:
