Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

What's up with this card?

If you have one fetchland to recur, it's pretty disgusting. If not, it'll probably come in and just shoot down some early plays or threaten a ping. It's just never dead.

I will say that if you can't get the Crucible impression going it's just okay and will quickly be outpaced.

Sulfuric Vortex that can ramp and graveyard hate and gain life and attack?

Haven't tried it in Cube yet, but have slotted it into many EDH decks. Card is good. You really need to be able to turn on devotion to get the most out of it as a 4/5 beater, but it's passable. I think the problem in Cube is that there are more impactful and archetype-defining cards that could be using this gold slot. As is, it's just very generically decent. Like you're not going to be disappointed playing it but it's also not anything exciting to draw you into the color or present possible synergies.

Though I will say rebuilding after something like a Wildfire effect is absolutely disgusting.
So you're trying to get me to put this in my cube you say? Added it to my test list...

I may or may not have made land destruction a primary gameplan of a Ruric Thar EDH deck I had a while back. Can neither confirm nor deny how powerful Klothys is when you can rebuild much faster than everyone else. Also, you get to have all the fun while no one else does so it's extra juicy.

At what power level does this card become sweet? I feel like the combination of lifegain + growing creatures can be pretty annoying on an indestructible enchantment, because its' so uninteractive. Is it just GRBS?
I think it's more-or-less fine on its own, or if you mostly focus on big lifegain effects instead of a bunch of small triggers?

The thing that breaks it in constructed is the way it interacts with .
At leasting in solitairing, I've been quite impressed with this. Flash gives it major combat trick potential , and of course a combat trick that can come from "nowhere" by virtue of being a "force of". (heh). It still feels impactful enough when paying the mana for it thanks to the flash.
What archetypes are interested in this:

It looks good for decks that care about the gy, but anywhere else, this looks like a -1. A strong flyer for aggressive Ux looks pretty good, but is it worth it?
It's value is intimately linked to how much that assertive Ux deck is playing with the graveyard. The graveyard has to be an integral part of the deck's plan. I can see it if you want an aggressive UB or UBR deck that runs the full suite of recursive stuff or stuff that runs off graveyard fuel like bloodghast, gravecrawlers, scrapheap scrounger, firebolt, ethereal forager, tombstalker, and so on and so forth. Anything less than all in on stuff like that and I don't think it's worth.

Of course also could be valuable if you have a legit "reanimator" archetype where you are looking to dump that high-cost threat ASAP while providing some defense/extra damage
A similar question: how do people treat this boy nowadays?

I don't know if I want to add other landfall cards alongside with it, but the cat-lad is very likely vastly inferior to all the savannah lions with an upside released these days, but it still seems more appealing to me than all those. I cube double fetches and double shocks + am going to run a set (5 cards) or two (10 cards) of tapped fetch-lands in ULD, + Crucible of Worlds, Ramunap Excavator and W6
I think this is better than most 2/1s, depending on the environment.

How relevant is 3 toughness against potential blockers?
How many lands do your aggro decks play?
Do you run fetches?
How much damage needs a 1-drop to deal to be good?

I think even without fetches it is a solid creature, as getting in 4-6 damage is pretty strong already and trivial (given opponent can't block, but that also counts for the 2/1s).
Bazaar Tragemage has overperformed for me. In fact, I've never felt I needed any discard synergies for it to be a beating.

My cube has smaller creatures and a 3/4 Flyer is positively big. It's a huge blocker and it won't have any rivals on the sky. It has a very large board presence for its price.

Losing one card is misleading. It doesn't say discard a card, like Bloodrage Brawler, it says draw two and then discard three. It's closer to a stapled Faithless Looting or Frantic Search than it is to a mere discard. Most of the time, I've felt it has given me a boost in card quality at the cost of losing a meaningless land, a spell I wasn't interested in or a card that likes to be in the graveyard.

Of course, my cube does tend to have graveyard synergies. But look, if you can spare a land, it's a 2U 3/4 Flying that filters two. And if you already have three mana, chances are you can spare that land to keep the beatdown going. It has been very generically strong to me.
I've been liking the Rangers! Decent in all sorts of white decks since the body is solid on both offense and defense and is even a form of card advantage engine for aggressive decks that play less lands than opponent.
What I like best though is that it gives white a small "lands" package to pair with green. I am using

This adds a bit of spice to GW decks and most cards are good on their own.