Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

I'm planning that exact package for GW in my new cube! Just haven't gotten around to writing my mind-dump on that color pair yet.

Yeah the 3/3 first striking body is perfectly serviceable, and unlike most white land-ramp, it's not restricted to plains. Beyond that even, it swipes them off the top, improving your future draws.
I think Verge Rangers sucks but even more so in a Landfall deck where you expect to be ahead on lands most of the time. I love Knight of the White Orchid though
Ok, noted. Can you state why?
I think Verge Rangers is a very not-suck card. It's a nice top-end body for aggressive decks, and it can clear useless lands off of the top of midrange and control builds. Even if it only "draws" a land or two over the course of a game, it's still a good rate. It's only ok for landfall, since that deck is usually going to be trying to play lots of lands in unconventional formulations compared to an average deck, but, it's still fine.

Dom Harvey


Sometimes this is worthy of the Low Power Card Spotlight thread, other times it's completely devastating. I like having support for the spells decks but what's your overall verdict?
Anax is a house in mono-red, but perfectly manageable in anything else. I think the experience level of drafters will, in part, determine how strong he is. For example, my playgroup almost refuses to run mono-color decks, likely due to the fact that they tend to draft retail sets almost exclusively. Makes me wonder about cards that scale I power with playgroup experience...
supporting heroic of course

would say this is a reasonable curve-topper? Heroic/Spells is an aggressive archetype in my cube, and this would be the most expensive payoff.
I think you'd still wait a turn since those lands don't untap.

No no my point is, by the time you've played a five drop and five lands your hand is probably going to be close to empty so how are you meant to reliably trigger heroic on this thing. Isn't it better just to top of with some beefy 5-drop or play a lower curve in the heroic deck?
Indeed, that does make sense. lol

I seriously don't know, I grabbed the idea of what others here called turn-2-aggro, it's a slower environment, but a 5drop that demands you casting a certain type of spells still looks questionable.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
That card pisses me off in standard, but maybe for the right reasons? It's powerful, but I think you can survive the discard, and it takes some deck building to be able to cast it consistently.

Has anyone tested this? I am looking for an extra Threaten effect in red. However the actual Threatens are too narrow. There is Captivating Crew, but it is pretty fragile given my removal. This seems sweet, but a little dangerous in a MP game.