No, cool as it is. You can't even use it to stabilize the board because killing any nontoken creature on the opponent's side ends the effect, meaning that decks have be okay with either using the zombies as resources or waiting for a single attack. That makes it incredibly narrow while requiring a lot of investment for either
--two or three 2/2 zombies
--an arbitrarily large number of zombies
depending on whether you're going infinite as Sigh mentioned, but I'm not seeing things like that in your cube. And a handful of tokens doesn't seem worth it to me for the number of times this is going to do stone-cold nothing.
Right now I like having Bridge as a fun-of in my list, but I can see cutting it. It requires that you
(1) can fill your yard
(2) can sacrifice your creatures.
That's a relatively narrow criterion (there's not many types of decks that do both of these). But these are criterion you might already be meeting in which case you can slam bridge.
If you meet this criterion you can get two or three 2/2 zombies
for zero mana and for zero cards used. Or you go-off and get a whole bunch of them. But unlike in constructed you're never going to have 2-3 bridges in the yard to really break the game in a dedicated way. So in that sense Bridge is always gravy, not a game plan. I'd say the biggest downside (aside from the deckbuilding criterion) is that it's a pretty uninteractive card.