Someone on that other site that shall not be named has a storm/combo cube where he uses this card to great effect. He keeps teasing a storm primer (how to get it to work in cube without being poisonous), but said article has not yet appeared. Assuming he has a cool take on it, I might try it simply because combo is different and tickles my inner Johnny.
Even outside combo, reanimator would love Oath I'm thinking. As long as you are putting bigger dudes into play, it seems worth a card. Imagine if you ran stupid shit like Eldrazi. Put whatever you want in play off my Oath, not going to matter much when you are eating annihilator 4 every turn. Extreme example, but this card is certainly breakable in the right deck. Even if you just get a couple mana elves off of it, that still feels worth 2 mana and a card.