Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight


Oubliette is cool until you realize their is a 1 in their. Then its kinda awful. Even the power of devotion can't sell me on this one.


Not exactly going with borderline cards here are we?

Dark Confidant is sweet, the lifeloss is extremely relevant and it always makes games exciting.

Pernicious Deed is a little slow (except against tokens of course!), but its a conditional sweeper that has been fun to plan around and doesn't work like anything else in the color combo (besides the cards that are just worse knock-offs of itself).

Bloodbraid Elf is a generic value creature that is good, but I had no problem dropping her.
what are people's thoughts on this card?

Dom Harvey

I didn't imply they were borderline.

I want to say Vexing Sphinx is underrated, but it's also been frustrating in my experiences with it? I like it as a tie-in to a graveyard theme or if you have Loam/Squadron Hawk
It's definitely sweet with Loam just like Forbid. I do have a graveyard thing so that makes it seem even sweeter. I also have Punishing Fire with Grove of the Burnwillows in the utility land. It also doesn't seem too shabby as a just a reasonable blue beater. I also think I'm just a sucker for anything that has synergy with Loam.

Speaking of Loam synergy.....
I loved Vexing Sphinx in constructed, haven't had much luck with it in the cube.
Deed and Confidant has been all-stars, bloodbraid hasn't really impressed, but that might be because of the deckbuilding around the table.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I initially thought it was overpowered, but with cube curves generally being higher than Eternal-format curves, I'm now a huge fan of Dark Confidant. Great balance of risk and reward.

Without being able to build decks with constructed-level consistency, Bloodbraid Elf has been surprisingly fair. Hitting random mana dorks is always lackluster. I think I'm going to go all-out-Waddell and replace her with Sarkhan Vol after my next card order.

I think Vexing Sphinx needs explicit support, because when I tried it just as a generic blue beater, it was pretty finicky to get good value out of it.


Lightning Storm was not a good card. Yes, you can throw extra lands into it as a oneshot stormbind with value, but the opponent's ability to bounce it can be really devastating when you just need to bolt something and you don't have/can't afford to chuck a land into it.

It certainly gets a lot better with loam.

Chris Taylor

Where's Chris Taylor when you need him?

You kidding? I hate loam!
All it does IMO is lead to repetitive board states a la wastelock, or justify otherwise shitty cards which are heaps upon heaps of card disadvantage for not enough power (See sphinx above)

I'll admit the engine with cycling lands is cool, but I still haven't found anyone of my drafters willing to actually play the cycling lands. Maybe if they came in untapped, maybe lost a life or something

Chris Taylor

Ok chaps, how about this one?

I just traded for one. It seems like something to push people into ramp. As far as I know there's no two card combos to fetch, but there still is Craterhoof Behemoth.

It's okay, but I've never felt the desire to go as big as 9. Craterhoof ends the game on his own, why does he need a friendly hand to hold while kicking ass?
I like maelstrom wanderer much better for this kind of effect. Way more awesome :D
Tooth and Nail is fun, and still works if you are stuck with one or more fatties on hand before you cast it.
If Vexing Sphinx had hexproof, it would be amazing IMO. That card is unplayable because if it gets bounced or exiled, you get two for one'd (or more depending on how far you push it). When this comes down and ends up beating face and then getting sacked for a bunch of cards, it's very strong as it technically replaces itself and every card you discarded (if you ditch it once it hits the second upkeep), PLUS it smashed faced for 4 points of damage at least.

Promise of Bunrei looks really cool actually. I might have to find a place for that. It basically says fuck you wrath. And it's stupidly good if you have sacrifice effects and can get a 4 for 1 situation. I so want to play this in a zombie deck with gravecrawler now.