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Do we still say 'gay' or are we all just 14?
I'd like to clarify that there was nothing of the xbox live definition of gay in my previous statement. I was only making note of the fact that we have a great tradition in fiction of wizards having diverse sexual liaisons at least more so than my knowledge of shamans.

not as a slur but as a descriptor. i defy you to tell me yp isn't gay
I just wana call him a slut (no judgement), I don't really care who he fucks. His haircut kinda puts him in a goth camp but his brown leather decidedly takes him out of it. He seems like he got lost somewhere between the slavegirl, wastelander and steampunk sections of the party store.


I'd like to clarify that there was nothing of the xbox live definition of gay in my previous statement. I was only making note of the fact that we have a great tradition in fiction of wizards having diverse sexual liaisons at least more so than my knowledge of shamans.

I just wana call him a slut (no judgement), I don't really care who he fucks. His haircut kinda puts him in a goth camp but his brown leather decidedly takes him out of it. He seems like he got lost somewhere between the slavegirl, wastelander and steampunk sections of the party store.

isnt dumbledore gay?


Ecstatic Orb
Dreampod Druid has acceptable base stats, but I wonder if the upside is big enough. The number of aura's is also generally small in a cube, because getting blown out is so easy. Bestow has made this a little bit better though, so who knows?

Future Sight is the best do-nothing 5-drop ever. That card wins games if unanswered. I love it.

Edit: In fact, as far as I'm aware, Future Sight is so powerful that some people advocate using Magus of the Future, just so other people have a way to deal with it.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Future Sight is the best do-nothing 5-drop ever. That card wins games if unanswered. I love it.

Edit: In fact, as far as I'm aware, Future Sight is so powerful that some people advocate using Magus of the Future, just so other people have a way to deal with it.

Ehhhh that's a big stretch. Game needs to drag on several more turns before you get more value out of this thing than Tidings, which is less cost-prohibitive. Future Sight gets out of control when you have low-power environments where players aren't threatening to kill early.

I've heard the Magus argument but I think that's for really low-power environs.
Dreampod druid seems like a card for people who haven't really learned what's competitive yet, they're on their way but still figuring it out.

isnt dumbledore gay?

Yeah there is tonnes of evidence of gay, bi, gender/sex non-compliant and all manner of other orientation and identification wizards and sorc out there. That's been my point this whole time what do you think I've been saying?
So why does everyone like tanglewire and smokestack timing games but are totes against paralax wave and say ostone tricks? Like no one legitimately considers the correct way to play tanglewire a feel bad moment despite it being very gamey and being just a big shutout play.


Ecstatic Orb
Because Tanglewire is WYSIWYG, but Parallax Wave's Disenchant trick will be missed by a lot of less experienced players. Even though both cards are traditionally underestimated by those players, they won't feel as bad when Tanglewire happens to them because they at least "get it". In still other words, it's less annoying to lose to a card you underestimated than it is to lose to a trick that abuses unintuitive rules.
Because Tanglewire is WYSIWYG, but Parallax Wave's Disenchant trick will be missed by a lot of less experienced players. Even though both cards are traditionally underestimated by those players, they won't feel as bad when Tanglewire happens to them because they at least "get it". In still other words, it's less annoying to lose to a card you underestimated than it is to lose to a trick that abuses unintuitive rules.
To me they are just both wordy and timingy ways of breaking synergy that an unenfranchised player will not pick up on immediately but can be explained.

On this enchantment note, what would it take for heliod's pilgrim to be worthwhile. I know it's already a powerhouse in peasant.


Nothing. Its the proper price for a versatile tutor that gives you a body, which just goes to show you how stupid a card Stoneforge Mystic is.
If aetherize was close for you this is probably powerful enough. I don't particularly like making people play around getting blown out by this kind of effect, which leads to getting blown out by smaller effects (unsummon becomes timewalk etc.)
Keeping up 5 mana is quite a bit for something that isn't a sure thing when you actually cast it. There's definitely blowout potential, but there's also the chance of people just attacking you with one or two guys at a time and whittling down your life total. I don't think it's good enough.


So I somehow missed this card initially, but it was absolutely bonkers in tonight's M15 draft.

Strong enough for cube?

i cut it. people were even playing around it (correctly!) in the team sealed event.

m15 in general seems to have a lot of cards that are close to being cubable (or constructed-playable), but they're all just a little too weak for a high power environment. off the top of my head,

and there are probably a lot more that i'll eventually cut from my cube, such as the Souls, etc.

tangent that gets this thread back on track, oddly: how do y'all feel about

since we all love borderland marauder, presumably?