I think the mana requirement makes it pretty bad even in power max lists. It always wheeled over here.
This is a stupid question I think. But is this card just too broken to run in non-powermax lists?
I've been trying Phyrexian Obliterator, and people like it. Also Dark Ritual, Erebos, Oubliette, Massacre Wurm, Nightveil Specter.Thanks guys. I've always been a big fan of necro. I'm trying to push devotion (especially in black - as mono black was always one of my favorite decks), so I'm considering adding a few really powerful cards that have heavy mana requirements to "reward" those who commit heavily. Problem is it doesn't translate well to drafts. So really just tossing out ideas right now.
I appreciate the input. Has anyone successfully made mono black a thing? And if so, how did you do it?
Yeah, hybrid is your friend here.
Toss in a Gray Merchant and an Erebos, and you should be almost good to go.
i wanna try Necro but the card is unbelievably busted. i think you guys are hugely underestimating both that and yawg barg.
Add Bargain to the list of expensive enchantments that have no effect on the board. Again, in a powered Cube, Bargain is a whole different animal, as Moxen enable not only earlier Bargaining, but more to do when you resolve it. However, for us unpowered folk, Bargain kept getting worse as other cards got better, and eventually the time came to just let it go entirely. Necropotence is very similar, in that it's almost impossible to cast for the effect it gives you, and your life total is more dear these days in Cube than it once was. When you see these cards in a pack, think carefully about what the board might look like when you want to cast it, and how much life you could possibly be willing to pay if your position is an unfavorable one.
That's my fear as well. I fully expected more people to say this. Instead, most feel it's almost not cube worthy. I'm pretty surprised.
I don't have extensive experience with it, but I have played it and every time it has resolved this card did very broken things. I won't say I've won every game (I have run out of life before), but when you have a decent life total it's very hard to lose with this in play.
I ran Necro in my cube for a while, when it was good it was great, and nobody played it unless they had a deck that could handle it, so it ended up in sideboards quite often.