Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight


Feels like it would help everything bar aggro.

frown town. control already gets thrown a bone in singleton 720s with 75% of the fixing. unless we're on boros garrison beats (and don't mistake me, i've been on boros garrison beats in modern before)

spoilers: it was bad
frown town. control already gets thrown a bone in singleton 720s with 75% of the fixing. unless we're on boros garrison beats (and don't mistake me, i've been on boros garrison beats in modern before)

spoilers: it was bad

Yeah, my main worry was about aggro. More thinking about it in my 360. I think you could still use them but look for other aggro friendly colour fixing to run to 'balance' it out. Not that there's a bunch of options for that...
And on the topic of mana screw... I recently realized if you don't run a lot of fetchlands you will have mana problems. As you can see I don't run fetchlands (don't want to proxy and can't afford 20 of them). I thought about this for a long time (seriously I didn't get a lot of sleep this week...) and I've reached the conclusion that best solution, for me at least, is a variation of the utility land draft. Basically I just let people pick 2 free lands to boost their manabase. Maybe a shock, maybe a pain, maybe a city of brass. These 2 are in addition to whatever land you manage to draft.


I am likewise a big bauble fan...

Harking back to functional reprints for a moment, can I spend a second to spruik the most ridiculous pair of reprints. It was obviously so good it needed another run!

Neither of these make any sense!
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Bah! Those are nothing on Fylamarid!

You only have one man(-chantment?) who is prepared to throw as many of his own enchantments to their doom as is required to protect his people from the blight of rogue enchantments, compared to a flying Squid-beast that shoots ink to bewilder non-seafolk...


the rest of invasion was pretty wonderful, including the rest of the block. CT brings up in another thread that he's never sick of enemy-color sets, which is either a common sentiment or should be. when Apocalypse came out people went batshit.

wizards has been trying for decades now, in their half-assed way, to support enemy-color pairs as well as allied-color ones (you know how, for example, UB modern faeries, insofar as it exists at all, gets to play a painless manabase, whereas Wb martyr has to fetch and shock), and, well, uh, in order to do that for Apo they raised the power level not very subtly. like its ideological predecessor affirmative action, though, it didn't work so well, which is why we have to get, every so often, a nice Boros Charm or Abrupt Decay or Tidehollow Sculler or Electrolyze or, uh, I guess there aren't any good Simic cards (rip Trygon Predator).

for the life of me i can't figure out why they reprinted this planeshift original, as far as i know cards that hose their own color have no design purpose except to piss people off / give another element of luck to already bad mirror matches

also, as long as we're on the topic of how much i love enemy colors, which is a lot, let us not forget my least favorite design in magic history

Lots of my etb triggers create tokens. Nonbo.
Well, it's a nonbo if your producer is dead, but I wouldn't consider it a nonbo if you're just getting your tokens back anyways.
Angelic destiny is probably fair with its toned-down rancor trigger, but I hate that card. I've just never seen or played what felt like a fun or good game where it was involved. Maybe I'm just scarred from the m12 prerelease where three of my four opponents had one, and one of them had a second, foil one.
What are people's experiences with Vinelasher Kudzu and Herald of Torment? I'm on the fence about them and would appreciate input.

Chris Taylor

Spawning pit: Could be interesting, not a horrible sac outlet, but the returns are pretty bad.

Pulses:Everyone except Fields is kinda narrow and bad, and fields can be really opressive.

Vinelasher Kudzu: Even with 33/450 fetchlands, this was never really good :( He kinda needs to start as a 2/1, but that would probably be broken.

Herald of Torment: I'm optimistic. Wish he had a 4th toughness, but anything black with more than 2 power is a winner in my book.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I think Spawning Pit is mostly inferior to these colourless sac outlets:

Plated Geopede is already extremely marginal in a cube environment, so unfortunately I don't think that helps Vinelasher Kudzu's case.

I have no experience with Herald of Torment yet, but based on how good Boon Satyr has been, I have high expectations. I think its creature form (3/3 flying vs. 4/2 flash) is much better than Boon Satyr - other than against do-nothing, creatureless control decks - so I like that there's a real decision with it, whereas you almost always want to bestow the Satyr.