Decks involving
laboratory maniac and/or
mindshrieker I am always happy to see.
Okay, I thought I had more than one of these written down, whoops.
if I slot Tasigur at one the curve almost looks fine (2-1)
Lots of graveyard recursion and flashback meant it mostly self-milled, but it did come close to milling someone out with Mindshrieker a few games. I wasn't piloting but I think it combo'd out maybe one game in three. the Pack Rat/Vengevine plan b was real.
self-mill wins: 2
enemy mill wins: 0, but very close!
kiora ults: 1
Generally speaking, this comes together for me as a slower

deck, though



definitely show up too. I took a fair bit of inspiration from
this Adam Thomas article and iterated a few times to make sure it wasn't taking up too much space. It's not so much mill as it is exhaustion - trade with the opponent, draw them out of their answers, and cling to life with blockers and removal. There are a few ways to go on the offensive, ranging from intricate (lab man) to brute force (ashiok + hedron crab) to obtuse ('on my upkeep, flashback memory's journey'). The straight-up mill cards were a big 'ol failure but 'target player' incremental mill and draw work well in both regular and Lab Man decks (think way closer to Thought Scour than Tome Scour)
At a certain point this post turns into sophistry where i pretend i know more about lab man decks than you do but the general idea (and also in the AT article!) is to stabilize, and then every turn ask 'cards in library?' until your foe concedes.
e: I'm coming back to this post like 6 months later to say that I'm not as into this idea as I was at the time. Mill sucks, don't try to mill your opponents, self-mill is great, lab man is cool but very clunky without a bunch of tools. Howling Mine worked, 'fatigue' control felt more fun and challenging than mill control, the busted enablers aren't where you want to be.