Alright, well with some fire under my but from a surprise draft request from my playgroup, I have finally done the thing: I have changed the archetype wheel. As shown above:
-Aristocrats is gone
-Artifacts moved from Esper to Mardu, and is now a more aggressive deck rather than a midrange one
-Prowess moved from Temur to Grixis, which offers a much nicer package
-Bant is the remaining 3 color block, and is welcoming in "Civilization", a custom mechanic that rewards you for diversifying the types of permanents you control

So it's no secret that I like aggressive decks by nature. I've got a better idea of how they work and how to encourage them in a draft environment as a result, and the old artifacts deck (

) definitely suffered from an identity crisis as a result.
Planeswalkers, tokens, Emry loops, there were a pile of half baked ideas and nothing that actually functioned coherrently as a deck EXCEPT piling every single card that made a karnstruct into your deck and hoping that was enough:

And when you did that, the deck was kinda alright. Urza's saga in particular is a powerful card, but the issue arises during the draft:
If the only way this deck works is via loading up on cards that REQUIRE you to have 15+ of artifacts in your deck to work, how do you ever end up there? You kinda just have to force the deck.
So in this new iteration of the deck, I'm trying to include a few more cards that operate well enough on their own, or only require a few artifacts.
shrapnel blast. I do love
shrapnel blast.
A lot of the karnstruct style cards are still there, but
electrostatic bolt has a playable fail case, and
Pia and Kiran Nalaar feeds itself.
I am mostly talking about the red cards because much of the white and black cards have remained the same, with some small changes to suggest a more aggressive lean.
Favorite new designs:
I'm running two Profane Sacrament at the moment. Most of my research into the affinity deck over the years proved that
thoughtcast really was the key card to the deck, even if other cards usually got top billing.

We all know the spells deck is blue red at heart, but my cube's structure does obligate me to add a 3rd color to the mix in order to keep everything nice and evenly represented. Actually getting anyone to bother using that 3rd color has been a struggle.
White has a few prowess cards, but it's draft chaff all the way down outside of
Monastery Mentor. It offers a decent suite of support spells in
emerge unscathed and similar, but those are just niche applications of countermagic, something blue already brings to the deck.
There's token spells (
Lingering souls triggers prowess after all), but again barring the actual ones that are amazing pound for pound on their own, it isn't adding much. The whole point of
young pyromancer is that you don't have to spend cards developing your board, he does that for you, and lets you focus on sculpting your draw or removing your opponent's threats.
So while I love white in general, philosophically it wasn't a great match.
Green was that, but worse! Greens token making instants and sorceries are just worse, fewer and futher between. What's more, they tend to produce a single big token rather than spreading things out over multiple bodies, which is worse in the face of removal. The bigger body is better in the face of blockers, but my cube is more about removal than it is about blockers.
Green has protection spells, but they've still got all the narrow application problems that white's do. The good ones are also pump spells, and that can count for something, but it's not a huge draw in and of itself, given the performance of pump spells in constructed magic.
For pump spells to be good, they need to be REAL big. Think
Become Immense,
Atarka's Command, or
Temur Battle Rage levels of big, and even the power doubling ones are mostly targeting
death's shadow, a card I don't have in here. The expected value of a constructed pump spell needs to be around 6 damage, not the 2-3 we see on green's pump spells like
Giant Growth or
Blossoming Defense.
Lastly, and this was the real nail in the coffin: green offers zero interaction. Even if I was running fight spells, prowess threats aren't the kind of creatures that brawl well: that's why your deck is full to bursting with disruption in the first place. This is something I can fudge with custom cards, but we're never hitting the level where green removal would be as appealing as red burn, for eg.
Black offers things that white and green do not. It's removal is high quality, so we don't have the green problem. It's protection spells (lets use Unearth as an example) are actually more broadly applicable than white's or green's, which is great. It's really helpful that your protection spell can be temporally displaced from your opponent's removal spell, in addition to also re-triggering any ETBs that might happen on the other, non young pyromancer cards you might be running.
You also get possibly the best MDFC in
Malakir Rebirth as a more time restrictive counterspell, but MDFCs are at their best when sometimes you want them, and sometimes you don't, so this effect is perfect.
Also, and this might be odd to some of you: I just hadn't ran targeted discard for the last like 5 years. Zero
thoughtseizes in my cube.
Thoughtseize is a good card to play before AND after you cast your
young pyromancer, so I've added two
thoughtseize, two
inquisition of kozilek, and we'll see where to go from there.
I've got a handful of custom variants I could try but they don't add a ton, and I think in the initial outing I prefer the clarity of constructed staples here.
Favorite designs:
Carrion Cry makes for a good Diet
Hymn to Tourach, and Blood Drinker offers some overlap if your artifacts deck has the right support pieces in it.

Okay yeah, what on earth is going on here. Coming up with new decks whole cloth is hard, yo.
So a few posts back I asked for ideas about "Bant something", and this is what I came up with.
As a reminder, here's the goals:
-Reactive, or at least Midrange
-UWG, and just UWG. Blink was excluded for this reason, I can't actually imagine cutting all the black and red ETB creatures to actually take a hardline stance here.
-Wants a relatively even balance of enablers and payoffs. One of my frustrations with aristocrats, where you wanted 2-3 sac outlets, 0-1 copies of exactly blood artist because it was so over the top powerful, and everything else was just food. I also rejected an enchantments matter archetype for this reason as well, since you'd just be jamming your deck full of enchantments.
So: Civilization. I always liked how delirium made you interested in a balanced deck, rather than just jamming as many of a single card type or mechanic as you can.
Delirium does tend to bias away from permanents, since enchantments and artifacts tend to stay in play, where they don't contribute to your delirium count.
Taking this idea and flipping it on it's head wasn't initially my idea. It's a mechanic in a few Magic Set Editor (MSE) Modern sets, and has emerged as one of the existing archetypes in constructed over there. Technically their version is different, asking for specifically an Artifact, an Enchantment and a Creature, but many of the cards translate easily.
Their take on the mechanic is a much more linear aggro deck, with creatures that ETB create aura tokens front and center and a cheap double striking payoff for having Civilization active.
So I took to MSE Modern's version of gatherer, looked for inspiration in a query that literally singled out the words "Card type" in the rules text and.....found nothing.
Okay I found one card I could steal:
This card is origionally a
lammasu, and there are two of those in magic, but I opted to change the creature type.
I also removed CARDNAME gets +1/+1 as long as you control another creature, that seems kinda unnecessary.
So I set out to making my own ideas:

The first place I looked was delirium-esque "four+ or nothing" abilities. I initially asked for four card types, but honestly it felt weird reverse engineering that you'd always have at least one (land) no matter the card asking, so I swapped the count to "nonland card types" and just lowered the math. This certainly reads weirder on the second go around, but better on the first, which I think is where I'd like it.
In terms of this specific card, I wanted a resilient (ish) flier you'd play in a more controlling deck, so starting with
serra angel was a good spot.
At present it's less that its ALSO a removal spell once you turn on Civilization, and more that it can kinda block anything, which is an odd play pattern. Maybe this becomes an attack trigger, maybe something else. Not sure yet.

Front Loaded
Myth Realized. This thing isn't actually all that great in practice, realistically this ends up being a 2/2 or a 3/3 most of the time, which is fine but a bad spot for a creature with "champion a plains" on it.
I think this needs a little more time in the oven.

glass casket. Civilization wants the odd enchantment, which is usually a less reliable form of removal, even if there's not a ton of
disenchants in my cube to break this open. Here's where the math thing gets a bit weird, because I definitely want the rock bottom case to be 2MV here, but I'm okay with this at the moment.
could just go for X and have rock bottom be 1, drop it down to W, but I also want
portable hole in my cube for other reasons (decent in this deck no less) so I want this to be 1W to differentiate.
Possible I've gone too extra with the art + frame and this could stand to be a bit more normal.

Blue's easiest X, but X++ if <Condition>. I'm happy
quick study got printed, I probably would have felt priced into making this a sorcery before.

Future-ish sight, It's a bit closer to something like
Augur of Autumn given the strict limitation if you don't have Civilization.
Currently it's a touch awkward in that you can't cast an artifact creature if you control an artifact or a creature, so that needs ironing out. You also can't cast
hard evidence at all, as much as it would help, but that seems less fixable with a wording change

"[...]if that card would produce a permanent with a type you don't control[...]"
No stop it, we've gone too deep!

This dude actually performed really well in the draft. I consider it a bit of a flaw this signals a blue artifact deck that isn't there, but I do have archetype cards and this card is decidedly not an aggressive one, so I think it's a bit more of a draft challenge than a bad signal.
The Civilization text does feel weird, but I'm okay with it for now. I want it to help you win if you're doing your thing, and I don't want to make it like, mill or something, I want to keep the cards all fighting on the same axis.

Here's the biggest reach I've got. Does blue deserve
ravenous chupacabra? Does blue even want
ravenous chupacabra?
Obv this is less of a problem in a cube where there's one copy and everyone's playing a 2.5 color deck anyways. There's realistically no way someone's got a deck where this is the only removal spell because they should have zero: my cube doesn't let that happen. Even a base blue green deck (which doesn't happen that much) has splashed black or white removal plus the tier 2 removal spells I've included in your base colors:

Speaking of which, we did have a drafter get a bit confused by these.
None of the Civilization payoffs are so powerful you should be playing these over cards like
swords to plowshares. I think that's fine, people don't need MORE reasons to pick premium removal highly, and one of the the classic lessons of drafting is "Don't let synergy get in the way of you putting good cards in your deck", but not everyone I draft with has learned that lesson.
Worth noting.

The initial version of this card was a creature that did the current -2 ability every end step.
Not only is repeated tutoring real boring gameplay wise, it's also super powerful. I had it as a 4 mana 2/5, so it was a huge aggro brick wall.
I do like the tutoring though, and I think a planeswalker minus ability like this is uncommon enough that it shows up but doesn't get old.
The rest is different levels of support for filling out Civilization. I chose monster role partially on theme, but also for being the other half of the sorcerer role token, which I'm already using due to
spellbook vendor

Okay so here's the wild one. You'll notice this is an invitational card, by the way

The prompt was "Bant planeswalker, Jennie Fae style mana cost, Civ Payoff". Andrew liked the idea of making enchantment tokens, and roles are
basically the only way I'm willing to do that at the moment. Variable starting loyalty was another suggested idea, but honestly might be us overcooking the card, as I can easily see that real estate turning into a 3rd ability, having him just start at 3 and playing way better. Time will tell.
Tragic Arrogence is a great fit for this deck, and I felt this was a nice way to integrate it. I like Civilization cards being permanents, so I'm running
cataclysmic gearhulk, but not OG
cataclysm (no
armageddons in this cube either) or
tragic arrogence.
I also like that you can (if you play your cards right) play Tyreal and "ult" him immediately, or you can suspend 1 your sweeper.
Also don't @ me about Diablo lore, I know the lore you're talking about and I don't care

Custom planeswalkers are hard. You can either use an existing magic character and have a hard ass time finding art that hasn't been used already (Some promo materials, some fan art, but less than you'd get for say, "blue 2 drop creature", you know?) or you can make a walker of your OC which never ends up well. Tyrael at least fits into the magic ouvre.
More updates as I get ideas!