Alright, finally managed to gather a draft now that the holidays are over, and we can finally see if printing a bunch of enablers for CIV helped any.
So we had 8 people, the people's own
@Dom Harvey grabbing the 3-0 with artifact aggro, sporting a lot of card quality.
Maybe this image is helpful to people, maybe not.
Here's the broad archetype breakdown from the evening:
Dom - Artifact Aggro
Tom - Jund Card Quality (Removal Dense, left Lurrus on the bench for being mostly instant/sorcery based)
Rob - Bant CIV (Walker Heavy)
Freyja - Sultai Midrange (Civ adjacent, mostly just card quality)
Me - GW Midrange (Hard in on CIV, got all the bad cards)
Sophie - Grixis Midrange
Liam - Grixis Midrange
Andrew - UR Prowess
So yeah, of the 3 broad archetypes: no Tokens drafter, arguably one delirium drafter, one artifact drafter, and a pile of people who refuse to read signals? (Myself included)
Individual card notes:

This card is good! I actually missed that it could block indestructibly. If it proves over the line I'll probably change that

Few notes with this thing:
1) It's better preordain (which I'm okay with trying) but 5 is too cheap, 2 cards is too much. Turns out I added enough enablers (And this is an enchantment itself) that CIV is basically free. Having any board presence that requires a clue is
not a big ask who knew.
2) Name's not great. One manifest destiny would never make it past legal at WotC, and two how does a card with a name like that not involve lands in any way? (To say nothing of what color it'd be). Needs a full re-do on concept, really.

This however, was completely off the rails. I knew these were powerful, but this gains close to 8 life, plus it's already mostly
strategic planning. Again, I'm fine with powerful cantrips, but this is obviously a very overpowered rider to staple on an already amazing card.
This should probably just be
Oath of Nissa. Sure the cards won't go to the yard anymore for delirium, but the alt text on that can actually enable cool things.
Maybe the fact you can't find artifacts/enchantments/battles with it means I need to switch back, but that's worth testing at least.
These two provide an interesting contrast.
Scholar is an interesting minigame, and pays you off quite well for playing it well. 10/10, no notes.
Education is just
future sight but it costs UU less.
Again, this recent set of patch notes turbocharged the enablers for CIV, so that text is on the majority of the time, especially since this is an enchantment.
Proposed changes are that it can't play lands once active, or if it needs nerfing further have it only be able to cast permanents once active (IE no lands/instant/sorceries), which at least feels on theme. Feedback was to try the lands nerf first.

This card is crazy but has no home. There's no ramp deck in my cube to speak of (There's just like 8 total acceleration cards and nothing that costs more than 6 to ramp to in the first place) and so while there are openers that allow you to t3 a 6 drop with this thing (they involve a 1 mana enchantment and an artifact land, but hey) mostly it's just there tapping for 2-3 mana when you have nothing to spend it on.
It's also a 2 mana 1/1, so when you do have nothing to spend it on, it's got very little other reason for it's existance.
I think this might be better served as a
steward of valeron style design where it's a medium creature, can add mana, and can do both when you have CIV active.

This thing is hilarious, look how far we've come.
So one, the vigilance is really burying the lead here, hidden in the CIV block, so I think if I do want to keep this, it earns the hilarious first line of "Defender, Reach, Vigilance".
That being said, do I want to keep this? I like reach, but 1g 3/3 is just not that great, I run
regal bunnicorn, etc, so the bar for 2 drop beef is somewhat high and also mostly sidelined.

This does feature in Dom's winning deck, and we've found out that it's extremely strong.
Pings do a lot in my cube (shoutout to
Spitting Dilophosaurus) and since making excess rectangles is the name of the game anyways, this is frequently doing more than that.
I really never learn my lesson
borrowing cards from MSE Modern, they're tuned above where I want to be, but in ways where I don't notice until it's on the battlefield.
Also if this is over the line, should I really be running
Orcish bowmasters?
This guy also proved to be excellent but not overbearing, and while it's not borderless I do get to play a version without cheesy flavor text and jurassic park on it.
OH MAN we didn't even get into the jank
See if you can spot the error on this one
While this technically works in the rules, I should specify that the caster chooses where the creature goes.
Yes I know blue
Nekrataal is a weird choice but I am honestly so dry on ideas for payoffs for CIV.
Dom pointed out that this should probably just ask the player to shuffle the creature into their library rather than bottom --> shuffle.
We did have a good time. Glad to be back cubing with people after the holidays, and I've definitely got some actionable feedback.