Drafted Swoopydo's cube, ended up with a solid UB Control list:
I began with a P1P1 Nissa, Vastwood Seer followed by a Cloudblazer thinking that I'd slide into something like Bant Midrange, but I didn't see much anything else I wanted in subsequent packs and settled into something familiar in U/B Control. The Ob Nix was the first thing that caught my eye as the 5/5 demon seems to match up pretty well with the rest of your environment. Started seeing more powerful cards come my way like Skinrender and Dig Through Time and settled in for the long haul. Deck looks sweet, lots of value to generate with Jhessian Thief and Shadowmage Infiltrator, some nice hard control elements with spot removal and some card draw.
UB Control from CubeTutor.com
I began with a P1P1 Nissa, Vastwood Seer followed by a Cloudblazer thinking that I'd slide into something like Bant Midrange, but I didn't see much anything else I wanted in subsequent packs and settled into something familiar in U/B Control. The Ob Nix was the first thing that caught my eye as the 5/5 demon seems to match up pretty well with the rest of your environment. Started seeing more powerful cards come my way like Skinrender and Dig Through Time and settled in for the long haul. Deck looks sweet, lots of value to generate with Jhessian Thief and Shadowmage Infiltrator, some nice hard control elements with spot removal and some card draw.