Thats miles better than what I was getting. I had to toss both drafts back, as I got unplayable piles. Fixing seems to be a real struggle, and packs feel small due to density of virtual non-picks due to the wide power level, bad fixing that further narrows choices (its 67 lands
total!), and lots of parasitic picks. In addition, you get to contend with the the same tremendous narrowing effect on your removal choices due to the tremendous variance in quality. Getting 23 playables and a mana base felt like more of a struggle than drafting desert cube variants. It feels like you're drafting 8 card packs. I suppose it would be better to just go all out aggression in two colors, as that seems to broaden the pool of reasonable picks.
There seems to have been no thought put into fixing ratios or the removal asfan as well. Its literally just a pile of cards, with no thematic connection or thought behind them, other than that they saw pro tour play. There is no way this could actually function as a format.
I ran across these gems, besides the illusions and donate that also shouldn't be there.

I realize I sound like a jerk here, but when you start charging money for a product, that changes everything. and there could not possible have been any care or thought put into this environment if you are running cards like
demonic consultation or
With the already terrible fixing, running reality smasher and thought-knot seer also makes no sense; all of the affinity/metalcraft cards are also baffling, since you can eyeball that there isn't enough artifact density for them to work consistently.
Ugh, what is even happening here. This is like some bizarre episode of kitchen nightmares where the chef is serving up filet human in a converted fast food restaurant, while the manager only sits there mumbling over and over about how nothing is wrong and they just need to change their supplier.
But I don't see this ending well, just in case you haven't picked up on that. And I'll be moving into my salt mine now.