It's silly maybe, but if it works, it works! I've been thinking of ways to make my boosters feel less land-heavy for a while now, because it is a concern that I would like to adress, but I don't want my players to be unable to play their cards. Fixing is a very important part of cube drafts, even more so in an environment with a lot of gold cards. I really like the free triland with three color cards rule, as it not only achieves this goal, but also makes sure people always get the right fixing to splash their three color card, making those cards eminently more drafteable.
The borderposts are a recent addition, but in testing they've been really nice, since they double (triple?) as artifact support, ramp support and prowess support!
All in all I've been able to cut 20 lands from my land section this way (since I am going to add a third three color card to each section), which means that, on average, there'll be 20*(360/450)/(3*8)=2/3 less lands per pack. So that's down from 2 lands per pack on average to just 1 1/3. I think that's a noticeable difference actually!
Edit: There's actually another important reason for the "too many lands" illusion. Experienced players
know lands are important, and will often snap pick adequate fixing once they already have a skeleton of a deck. These players would hardly complain about seeing lands. Now imagine an inexperienced group that undervalues fixing. What would they pick given the choice, an exciting real card or a dull land? In there mind the land
does nothing. The consequence is that lands will wheel much more often in an inexperienced group, reinforcing the image of packs with too many lands!