Card/Deck The Heartbeat Deck

Dom Harvey

I've always had a soft spot for mana doublers, being one of the few holdouts to still play Mirari's Wake. Sadly, 5 mana of multiple colours at sorcery speed is a lot to commit for that effect, especially when the tacked-on Anthem is often irrelevant; sure, you almost certainly win if you untap, but you can't reliably expect that these days.

Look at this little bugger though:

The Dictate cycle is a home-run overall IMO, and this is the best of the bunch. Ambushing a hapless opponent with EOT Dictate into an insane mana binge is wonderfully fun and circumvents the traditional downside of Heartbeat effects.

I see a lot of potential in these cards as foundations for combo decks that don't involve bloating your list with otherwise poor/useless enablers (Storm) or encouraging uninteractive games (the 'fast artifact mana' decks, Reanimator done badly).

The most obvious use is with the Urza block untappers:

All of these are somewhat playable in their own right, and even more so when we go back to these:

The Karoos have lost a lot of their appeal recently, but they serve a specific role here: as 'rituals' in conjunction with untappers that happen to be playable in normal decks (mainly in the enemy colour combos which don't have many other appealing lands, and especially in UG/xG where they go very nicely with Explore and the like). They also have cute interactions with landfall, Wildfire/Cataclysm, and many more, and there are incidentally playable untappers like and .

If we have a Heartbeat/Flare in play, we want cards to sink all that mana into:

Any dumb 8-mana animal is good for that purpose too. Ideal sinks are cards like Cyclonic Rift or Mizzium Mortars, which are functional without Heartbeat but become insane with it.

Cards that you can follow up a Flare with to buy a turn are very useful as well; the big appeal of Dictate is that it circumvents the need for those as long as you can survive the early turns.

My inspiration and desire to continue posts like these usually fizzles unceremeniously right about now, so in lieu of any more writing here's a sample deck:



I'll agree that palincombo is much less inane then storm or twin as far as combos go (though I'm still not a fan of win-the-game combos in general), but I'm not sure if the mana flare cards are that great overall. I ran the 7/5 flare dude and it was a complete dud not even because the opponent got so much mana, but because my cube has very little to do with so much mana. I've added a couple more mana sinks (particularly in the land draft), but I'm still not sure I would be able to make enough use out of them to justify it.

I mean, something like eot dictate into time spiral would obviously be stupidly good, but I think a lot of the other huge mana cards (sundering titan, Eldrazi, Inkwell Leviathan) are really things generally don't want taking up slots for a variety of reasons.

That said, I've had a lot of fun with karoo in my cube and adding frantic search and Kiora's Follower (and exploration, though unrelated to this topic) are a large part of the reason.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I like the ideas here Dom. There's some overlap with the Post archetypes, the main being that you want spells that are scaleable like Cyclonic Rift and Sphinx's Revelation.

Where do you fall on the "Capsize is fun" debate?
It looks like life is getting easier when it comes to integrating weird combo decks into vintage cubes. Feeling comfortable doubling up on certain effects is probably a big step.


Anyone who can win with a Capsize lock in Cubes of average power on here deserves to. I like supporting locks. They require a ton of setup and are very hard to draft and play right. in general the big mana decks are super-miserable to play against (hello grim monolith!) and compared to death by annihilator trigger Capsize seems like a decent way to go.

the new Genesis Hydra may be of interest.

the X spell thread will be helpful here

Dom Harvey

Capsize is clunky and slow unless it's absolutely dominating, which makes it really awkward either way.

Genesis Wave is a really fun card, but I'm wary of including the less powerful X spells or the really expensive mana sinks (Eldrazi) when they don't fit in normal control decks.


the anthem on Mirari's Wake might be more relevant than dictate's being one color and having Flash. does anyone still run wake?


Ecstatic Orb
The Capsize lock is so miserable to play against when it works. You know you are not going to win, but it will take another godforsaken 20 minutes before the Capsize player amasses enough mana to actually deploy a threat that can kill you instead of bouncing your permanents each turn.


Ecstatic Orb
That's true, but that doesn't really feel right as well, because you deny yourself the small chance that you draw an out/the Capsize player makes a mistake and thus a possible win. It's a lose/lose situation really, because winning through a Capsize lock isn't even satisfying, it's just an aggravating, repetitive snorefest.


now this is interesting. how do you guys feel about stuff like academy ruins + explosives or volrath's stronghold + a large creature

Jason Waddell

Staff member
now this is interesting. how do you guys feel about stuff like academy ruins + explosives or volrath's stronghold + a large creature

I like it. If you can survive long enough to win with slow recursion, kudos to you.


Would Sprout Swarm even be a thing in our Cubes? Has anyone tried it? I am now greatly interested
my friend's pez cube had sprout swarm, and while it only 3-0'd once afaik, it was pretty miserable in the environment to play against

i dont think it can do anything at typical power levels